

2021-04-25 20:57 我要评论(0)




American Millennials, what''s our strength and weaknesses? 

2021-04-17  yzy86





What would you say are the strongest strengths that American millennials have, and what would you say are the greatest weaknesses that we have if compared to previous generations or compared to other nations millennials? Maybe some not so well known facts about us?



We're great at killing business according to articles that my aunt shares on facebook.

(马萨诸塞)我们会因为看了姨妈分享在脸书上的文章,就害死一堆企业,我们可擅长这个了 0

If the diamond industry completely dies because of millennials, I'll consider that a massive win.

(回复)(加州)如果钻石行业因为千禧一代而彻底完蛋,我会将其视为一场大胜利。 0


Millennials will be powerful in the near future.

I think one strength we have is that most of us knew a world before the internet changed every aspect of modern life. We watched the world transform while we were young enough to adapt to it, but not so young we didn't understand it. Its a unique perspective I think.

我觉得我们的一大优势在于:我们大部分人都晓得在互联网改变现代生活方方面面之前的那个世界是什么样子。我们见证了那个世界的变易,虽然尚年轻的我们能够适应它,但我们还没有年轻到无法理解它。我觉得我们的这种视角是独一无二的。 0

Agreed. I think it makes us the most adaptable generation going forward for a while. Until there is some major leap in technology and our daily lives.




I'm Gen X - a generation we seem to be skipping in national politics. We're still electing fucking baby boomers at alzheimer's age to president when the last two presidents historically should've been Gen X.


Your strength is that everyone underestimates and doubts you. You're a powerful, well educated generation. You've experienced a global recession, you've seen market manipulation and a host of other unethical things done for the sake of money. You'll make the country a better place as a result, much like the silent generation did.


A lot of our current leaders aren't even boomers, they're older than that. Biden, Pelosi, and mcconnell are all pre-boomer.


I think this is the consequence of being the cohort immediately following a particularly large cohort. I remember seeing a lecture a while back that outlined a number of the ways the baby boomer generation has warped politics and policies around their own interests simply because they are so large as a voting bloc. It's unfortunate that the collateral damage is the Gen Xers.


State of Long Island

The weakness is the cynicism. Everyone is so cynical. I can’t stand it.

(长岛)弱点就是犬儒主义。每个人都重度犬儒化了。这一点我无法忍受。 0

It's hard not to be when you're constantly told when you're growing up that if you get good grades and go to college you'll practically be guaranteed a good career and prosperity and then you graduate with a huge amount of debt and no jobs.



I think us millennials have the best typing skills of any generation in history, and no generation in the future will be better typists than us. To be clear, I'm talking about using a computer keyboard for typing. We're faster and more accurate than all previous generations were and than any future generation will be.


The thing is, we grew up socializing over a keyboard. I took typing lessons in school, but I really learned how to type quickly chatting with friends over AIM or MSN Messenger. Earlier generations certainly learned how to type for school or work, but they didn't type to socialize like we did. And if you look at Gen Z now, they don't type on a computer to socialize. They use phones. Future generations might continue using phones, or use talk-to-text, or maybe some sort of neural interface to just think their words to appear.


Us millennials are the masters of the computer keyboard and will be forever.


I wonder if the keyboard will become obsolete one day however.



I think our strength is mostly touched upon here, that we lived in a world without technology like we do today. I was born in ‘93, had older siblings that were more into the internet at an earlier stage than me in the late ‘90s, but I obviously remember the turn of the century, 9/11, technology boom, economic collapse, etc.


It’s crazy because I remember 9/11 well and we have people today that are about to turn 20 this year, almost able to drink, and they have absolutely no recollection of it.


Was born in 93 myself here lol. I remember those as well. The recession hit my family especially hard. I guess it's a good thing now looking back. Helped us a lot when it came to financial hardship for millennials even though we were kids back then.



Well I was born in 1984.. I was Last of the Gen X and First of the Millennials and a mix of Both.


Strengths: We can work really well for the most part in groups as this was really encouraged through school.

We can be very idealistic and optimistic at times.

We are good and adept with most forms of technology. (Some more than others but at least most of us know how to use a desktop computer basically)

We really have taken the concept of simple living. I really notice this in a lot of professionals.






Weaknesses: We take setbacks way too hard emotionally when it should really a learning experice.

We really try to over complicate things unnecessarily.





I have on the cusp of gen x and millennial so I have some insight I suppose



much more frugal, urban, and willing to live more minimalist lifestyles than gen x and boomers who loved big SUV’s and suburban McMansions.

more political, for better or worse

dramatically more educated on topics such as history and geography than generations above them, largely due to the internet

more responsible in terms of safety and health in many ways

more willing to deal with shitty economic conditions in life








while they are more responsible in safety and health, they’re also less disciplined, hence obesity rates

millennials statistically are a very self contained generation. The percentage of youth with friends 10 years above them has rapidly declined since the 80s

millennials largely have given up on music as a driving force in culture, instead having it sectioned off into little niche scenes

a weird obsession with childish media such as cartoons or Harry Potter






Strength: i dont buy shit, dont go out for fun, and only eat one meal a day. Because of this i can survive off of my single fulltime job.

Weakness: chocolates




Our greatest strength: We made being too broke to buy furniture cool, AKA minimalism

Our greatest weakness: We're too broke to buy furniture




I would say our relative youth allows us to be stronger and more athletic than older generations, but our weakness is that zoomers are adults now and could only grow stronger, while we millennials age into weakness and senescence.



TIL I’m a millennial. Huh, who woulda thunk.

I’d put our massive migration away from organized religion as huge. It shows we’re freethinkers. We’re taught to question and think outside the box. Rather than just blindly believe what we’re told.



i'm gen X and i really appreciate how you millennials have left organized religion in droves. it gives me hope for the future of humanity.



As a millennial, I have a pretty dim view of my generation.


I think our strengths are related to our experience in regards to technology. Older millennials were born early enough to learn technology as it developed. Computers started showing up in every household around the time we could use a computer, cell phones became more and more accessible as we got to an age that our parents would let us have cell phones. We began communicating via text and the internet due to AIM and the creation of text messaging before people outside of the Military and large businesses began to en masse. I believe that is why our generation seems to adapt better. I don’t meet many millennials using old technology or complaining about new technology. We want it, love it, learn it, and excel at it... but we also have memories and experiences without it so we respect it more than others.


Our weaknesses are plentiful in my experience. Education wise I feel that millennials have been mislead in regards to the importance of a college education. That lead to a large portion of our generation getting a degree and spending money on a degree without looking at the future. Sure a history degree is great, but if you have no career goals in mind, it’s going to be a hard field to make a living in.


Because of that financial burden, we have lead ourselves to believe that we deserve more when we do graduate. We expect to be able to afford things, and do things that our parents did at the same age level without taking into account the jobs, titles, and roles we do. This is why our generation comes off as entitled, and it is because we kind of are.


Another weakness is, again in my experience, that people don’t want to take on challenging tasks. A lot of the millennials I know that are stuck in retail, food service, or other low paying thankless jobs are there for a few reasons. Leaving out those that are less fortunate and couldn’t go to college,trade school, or community college to get a degree of some form, most millennials are there because they are snobs. They care more about living in a certain place or working in a certain field than they do about actually getting a high paid job. I’m not saying they would rather be a waitress than a salesman, but when in a highly expensive city in a competitive market, one cannot assume they will get a job in their field. The amount of millennials I have met not willing to take a job beneath their “status” is really high. They went to college for Christ’s sake, they can’t take a job as an electrician, or in construction, or driving long haul trucks. And god forbid you ask them to live in a non-trendy place or big city to get the job they need instead of a job they want.


Finally our biggest problem as a generation, in my opinion, is our care for status. We care too much about status. We care about being able to show off how good life is on social media. We want to feel better about ourselves by showing how much we have or can do. I think this is the main cause for a lot of our ‘entitlement’, and why we are viewed as having mismatched priorities. I think this also fuels the political motivations of some in our generation because they see others having what they want, but obtaining that seems impossible to them.


Anyways, say what you want, but these are my thoughts on my generation.



I think we are more likely to break free from what generations before did, get married young, have kids, go to church. We are paving our own way, putting off marriage and children and leaving religion behind, we are free thinkers in that way. I’m a millennial who left religion, didn’t get married until my 30’s and am not having children.



Strength: We exist

American millennials are the only millennial cohort anywhere in the developed world who have about the same numbers as the baby boomers. The fact that we exist is wonders for the American economy and is unique to the United States. For example, in about ten years we will fill out the tax paying class in a way that Gen X never could, and our consumption alone has kept the US out of recession for the past ten years (covid non withstanding)



Weaknesses: everything about cancel culture




We've had a fair amount of adversity in our lives which I think makes us fairly resilient. I don't know if it's necessarily a weakness or a victim of circumstances but the level of debt we have holds us back.



The great thing about our generation is that we are very tech savvy, most grew up with computers, video camera recorders, video games, cable TV, early internet and early social media. Millennials are also more progressive and open to interracial dating, friendships, opposite sex friendships, same-sex dating, and don't care about getting married young, having kids and living the nuclear family life.



The weaknesses the millennials have are that, we aren't as outgoing as the older generations were when they were our age, and are less risk-takers too.


I heard about this, millennials don't have the risk tolerance as we did compared to our previous generations. I see that as a very bad thing. We need to have this generation take more risks, I wonder what's the root cause to that.



Very tolerant and chill, but like other generations in the U.S. somewhat ignorant to the outside world.



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int(1619233679) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348140) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "王毅:美国还未找到与中国打交道的正确路径" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(39) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0424/1619229063839.jpg" ["description"]=> string(389) "2021年4月23日晚,国务委员兼外长王毅在北京同美国对外关系委员会进行视频交流。2021年4月23日晚,国务委员兼外长王毅在北京同美国对外关系委员会进行视频交流。王毅表示,美国新政府对华政策还没有摆脱上届政府的阴影,还没有走出对华认知的误区,还没有找到与中国打交道的正确路径。" ["time"]=> int(1619229069) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348134) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "菅义伟表态不军事介入台湾问题 是进二退一" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0424/1619224061884.jpg" ["description"]=> string(216) "日本首相菅义伟日前在国会回答在野党询问时表示,围绕台湾问题,希望当事双方通过直接对话和平解决是日本的一贯立场。他称日本并未预设军事介入台湾问题。" ["time"]=> int(1619224101) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348131) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "杨承达:美日中交战就是世界大战?不可能" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0424/1619223327496.jpg" ["description"]=> string(300) "杨承达表示,很难想像假定美国跟中国发生武力冲突,日本会介入去帮美国,让中国把日本当作敌国,这可能是另外一次的世界大战了,或中日仇恨再度加深,永远没完没了。这状况看来不可能发生,因这不是日本的核心利益。" ["time"]=> int(1619223384) } [16]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348127) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "【国际锐评】企图给中国添堵?澳方低劣可笑" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(0) "" ["description"]=> string(347) "澳大利亚外长21日宣布撕毁中方同澳大利亚维多利亚州政府签订的“一带一路”备忘录和框架协议,理由是“不符合澳大利亚的外交政策或不利于我们的外交关系”。这是澳一些政客自己在给自己加戏,企图给中国添堵,向美国“大哥”献媚,借此捞取政治资本。" ["time"]=> int(1619179809) } [17]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348126) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "乌鸦校尉:印度恒河,史上最强病毒培养皿" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0423/1619179599132.jpg" ["description"]=> string(258) "印度各个城市的大街小巷里,都堆满了尸体。放眼整条恒河,都已经被尸体塞满,不光是恒河,印度各地的所有河流都被死尸给堵塞,在长时间的浸泡下,这些尸体已经被泡发,开始发烂、发臭。" ["time"]=> int(1619179610) } [18]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348118) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "张文木:乌克兰事件的意义及对中国的警示" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0423/1619170848404.jpg" ["description"]=> string(378) "乌克兰危机及克里米亚并归俄罗斯,这两起事件意味着一个新的地区性体制的定型,这是什么体制呢?我们不妨称之为“新凡尔赛体制”。有人会说:凡尔赛体制不是已经成为历史了吗?如果我们将今天的欧洲地图与第二次世界大战前的欧洲地图作一比较,不难发现二者有惊人的一致。" ["time"]=> int(1619170863) } [19]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348113) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "何伟文:美国主导的小圈子秩序不是全球秩序" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0423/1619153022190.jpg" ["description"]=> string(300) "长期以来,美国根本不承认联合国宪章第一项、也就是最根本的各会员国主权平等原则,它无底线地干涉完全属于中国领土、主权和内政的涉台、涉港、涉疆、涉藏事务。它在台海炫耀武力,在涉港、涉疆问题上大肆捏造事实。" ["time"]=> int(1619153027) } [20]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348112) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(51) "邱敦红:世界大变局将颠覆传统话语权" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0423/1619152390245.jpg" ["description"]=> string(237) "当今世界经济全球化、政治多极化、社会信息化、文明多样化深入发展,国际格局加速演变调整。如此前所未有的大变局,已经超越人们以往的认知,也必然触及到传统话语体系。" ["time"]=> int(1619152402) } [21]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348109) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "梅德韦杰夫:俄美关系实质上已重回冷战时代" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0423/1619148305123.jpg" ["description"]=> string(207) "俄罗斯联邦安全会议副主席梅德韦杰夫在给俄新社的一篇文章中称,近年来俄美关系实质上已重回冷战时代,制裁和冲突对抗导致了世界“永久的不稳定”。" ["time"]=> int(1619148317) } [22]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348091) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(62) "周小川:不用还中国债务 就能更好应对疫情?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0422/1619098734347.jpg" ["description"]=> string(375) "在4月19日举行的博鳌亚洲论坛“可持续融资助力高质量共建‘一带一路’圆桌会”上,博鳌亚洲论坛副理事长、中国人民银行前行长周小川认为,对“一带一路”沿线项目的评估,不能充满政治化甚至阴谋论式解读,而是要真正找到有针对性的解决思路,形成一种可持续发展的局面。" ["time"]=> int(1619098737) } [23]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348089) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(61) "冯绍雷:中俄不结盟和不封顶 两种说法不对立" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0422/1619098119527.jpg" ["description"]=> string(354) "从唇枪舌剑到经济制裁,从支持俄罗斯国内反对派到干预前苏联地区局势,美国近期频频对俄罗斯出手,两国关系再陷僵局。俄美关系已经降到冰点,可转圜的空间很小。同时,双方都把视线转向中国,美国认为中国才是真正的对手,俄罗斯则在中美关系上立场坚定。" ["time"]=> int(1619098144) } [24]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348090) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "宋鲁郑:欧美都在打新疆牌,有什么区别?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2021/0422/1619098437999.jpg" ["description"]=> string(144) "现在的欧美,最大的挑战是持续了一年多还未结束、已经而且继续造成巨大人员伤亡和经济损失的新冠疫情。" ["time"]=> int(1619098471) } }


2女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家
3不想看到变得非常反华 以至于无法正确思考
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14不想看到变得非常反华 以至于无法正确思考
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