

2020-09-22 17:09 作者:马丁·雅克 我要评论(0)













China's rise from 1978 took place in a relatively stable international environment. And at the core of this was the relatively benign relationship between the United States and China.


There were two fundamental assumptions that underpinned America's attitude towards China over this period. 


The first was that China was so far behind economically, that it was virtually impossible to imagine China becoming an economic challenger or threat to American economic ascendancy in the world.


And the second factor and I think a more important factor was that the American belief was that as China modernized, it would westernize.


Because remember the American attitude fundamentally was that the process of modernization was also a process of westernization. So the American assumption was that over time, China would become increasingly look like a western country, look like the United States have, for example, centrally, a western style political system. 


And the Americans took it for granted that if this didn't happen, then China's rise would come to an end, hit a wall, be unsustainable.



Now, what began to undermine these two American assumptions about China really starts with the financial crisis, Western financial crisis in 2008. This was the beginning of the turning point. Now, this was completely unexpected.


America had not experienced a financial crisis like this since 1931. And America was in big trouble – the West was in big trouble during this period.


And to be frank, it's never really recovered. Its growth rates are still, until the pandemic which is a different story. To some extent, the Western economy has been on a life support system. 


Meanwhile, China has been in a completely different situation during this period.


I mean, China was of course affected by it, but basically China continues to grow at more or less the same rate, as it had before.


And by 2014, extraordinarily, China overtook the United States in terms of GDP, primary purchasing power, according to this measure from the World Bank. China by this time also, on an annual basis, was accounting for one third of global economic growth. So you see, there's a chasm in experience.


But there was something else we must add to this picture. And that was,remember, politics.


The economic crisis was expected by the West to happen in China - ithappened in the West. The political crisis was expected by the West to happen in China - it happened in the West.


And you got the rise of growing dissatisfaction, particularly amongst traditional working class people and so on in the States and elsewhere. And the rise of what we came to know, as populism. So this was a really important moment, which began to undermine the situation in the West, both economically and politically.


And with the consequence that there was also a growing anxiety in the West, and particularly in governing circles, but not only in governing circles, about the challenge of China, the partner as it were since 1972, was seen increasingly as a threat.


There was growing anxiety; there was growing hostility towards China as a result of this. And eventually, of course, this culminates in the election of Trump in 2016, as American president.



Now, why couldn't America tolerate the rise of China? Why does it immediately translate China's rise into the China threat?


And here, we have to, I think, understand the psychology of an imperial power, and the United States in particular.


You see, the Americans are extraordinarily over a very long historical period, centuries, have always been on the rise. And since 1945, they've been overwhelmingly global hegemonic.


The idea that America is number one is part of the American DNA. It's not just the presidents and the congressmen and so on who believe this. This is deeply imbued, I think, in the average Americans. 


The Americans think they are best; the Americans think they have to be top dogs. They're not going to be bossed around by anyone else. They're not going to be rivaled by anyone else.


Now, of course, the reality is rather different, historically speaking, because no country can ever expect to be number one forever. Think of China, the century of humiliation – China was displaced. And so this was the case with Britain, and so on. And this will be the case with the United States.


America's relative economic decline probably starts around the 1980s. But the Americans have basically been in denial of this. Even to this day, they're largely in denial. It would be suicide for an American president to say: "We are in decline, and we cannot change that situation. We have to accommodate ourselves to a new world." Americans are not ready for this kind of argument.


So what was the American response to China as a threat? Essentially, the American response was an assault against China, to find a way of making China's rise more difficult. To prevent China's rise, if possible. If not, at least obstruct China's rise. And so after Trump becomes president, you see, after a short while, the beginning of the trade war.

在贸易战之后,或者说在贸易战 、科技战的同时,对中国的态度愈发尖锐粗暴。你能看到他们在各个方面对中国进行攻击。

And then after the trade war, or alongside the trade war, the tech war and steadily as the acrimonious and abrasive approach to China developed, you see actions to be taken against China on all sorts of different fronts.



I would argue now, I think probably it would be appropriate to call the situation that the world is now in, and the relationship between the United States and China, as a new "Cold War".


But just because we use the term "Cold War" doesn't mean we should confuse or conflate this "Cold War" with the one between United States and the Soviet Union. There are three fundamental differences between them.


The first is that the United States and the Soviet Union lived and occupied two entirely different economic worlds. Never the twain shall meet – they just had two different international systems, one belonging to the United States, the other to the Soviet Union.


Now, of course, this is not the situation with China. China is hugely integrated with the global economy. Indeed, I would argue that in some respects, it's more integrated with the global economy than is true of the United States. I mean, take for one thing, trade. China is a much more important trading nation, exporting and importing, than the United States.


Now, whatever the American say, whatever the Trump administration would like to do, they will not be able to exile China from the global economy. They can go about it, but they won't get that far in my view.


They can't take China out of the global economy. It is simply too important; it is too integrated; its relations with so many countries around the world are too advanced for that to happen.


My second point is the Soviet Union was never an economic pair or equal of the United States. At most it had maybe 60% of the size of the American economy, probably less, probably more like half.


Now, you cannot say that of China. China, already in 2014 as we've seen, had overtaken the size of the American economy, measured by primary purchasing power, GDP.


Now, it is generally expected that within the next few years, maybe five years, depends partly on the impact of the pandemic, that China will overtake the United States by the other measure of GDP, which is in dollar terms.


And if we extend the time horizon a bit further, you'll see the picture of the global economy by roughly 2030.


Now all these figures are obviously projection so they're not facts. But you'll see, it gives you some idea, that by 2030 China could account for one third of global GDP, by which time it will be something like twice the size of the American economy, already by this measure, by the way, it is 20% bigger than the American economy.


So, you know, the rise of China economically is formidable. And it is deeply embedded. And it is showing its ability to perform in many different areas, including, of course, technology.


The third point I would make is that the Soviet Union made a fundamental mistake in its relationship with the United States. And that was the arms race. It tried to compete militarily with the United States. And it spent so much money, wasted such resources, a disastrous approach.


China won't make that mistake. China doesn't emphasize the military in a way that, for example, the United States does, or the Soviet Union did. China's approach is the fundamental importance of the economy.



I think the prospect is that we are looking at this kind of situation we've got now – the "Cold War" and an antagonistic relationship between the United States and China for the foreseeable future. It's impossible to predict how long. But you can say or I would argue that the condition for a change in this antagonism depends on a shift in the American position.


You see, the Americans are insisting that they should enjoy sole primacy in the world. And this is no longer possible. This atmosphere and relationship will change at the moment when the United States comes to the view that it must share primacy in the world with China, and that will be the precondition for, I think, a new term in the relationship between the United States and China.



And I think one of the most depressing, in fact, one of the most disgraceful episodes in western attitudes towards China was to do with the pandemic – COVID-19.


In January, China was struggling to understand to identify it and to work out how to deal with it. And the West, particularly the Americans, but not only the Americans, my own country Britain for sure, attacked, relentlessly attacked China, you know, cover up your secrecy. You're not telling us the truth. You're covering up the survival. The government matters, the party matters more than the survival of people.


This is a situation where China was struggling in great, great difficulty. Remember, China was the first to tackle the question of COVID-19. Now and you can see that actually, China's performance on COVID-19, certainly from late January, was brilliant.


These figures here, are on the basis per capita, the number of cases per million people, look at China, the strongest, probably the strongest performance of any country in the world, even though it had to tackle COVID-19 before anyone else.


And all those great critics, the United States and other Western countries, my own United Kingdom and so on, who could not stop themselves to (from) attacking China showed no compassion in January, had those two extra months to deal with it, could have learned from China. And look at them, a miserable performance.


And I would say this, in addition, that the pandemic has been, perhaps, above all, a test of governance. And without question, China has come through this fundamentally, with flying colors. And the United States has been proven under the Trump leadership, but I think, unfortunately, more generally, to have been incompetent.


And the fact that China is now coming out of the pandemic, of course, has created major economic opportunities.


There's only one country of this list here, that is going to have positive growth in terms of GDP in 2020. And that is China.



Let me just say something else as well here. Since China's rise started in 1978, China has not really been involved in any wars whatsoever. This is the period of China's great rise, great transformation, from nothing to now being equal with the most powerful country in the world economically.


Now look at American history, or German history, or British history, or Japanese history, all of these countries were involved in many wars during the equivalent period of their historical development. China, in other words, has exercised extraordinary restraint during this period of its development.



I don't believe the present international system can survive for a long time. We live in a completely different world, a rapidly transfer changing world. 


In 1980, the center of the global economy was here.


And then slowly in the subsequent 30 odd years, it shifted. And today, it's somewhere about here. That's the center of the global economy. In those days, the global economy was essentially Western Europe and the United States.


By 2050, it'll be here, basically on the India-China border.


There's no way you can have an international system which is controlled by privileges, the United States and Western Europe, when actually, the center of the action is over here.


You need a different kind of global economy, a different kind of global order for that kind of situation. And I would say this, in relationship to this new international system. First of all, the heart of it will be China – 18% of the world's population. At the heart of the present international system, is the United States – just 4.3% of the world's population.

换句话说,这将比目前的国际体系更具有人类代表性 。

In other words, we're talking about an international system which will be far more representative of humanity than it is now.


In other words, we're moving from an essentially authoritarian, minoritarian system of global governance to something which is far more representative of the world as it has, as it is already, and as it will be even more so in the future.


中国的崛起,不仅仅是中国 ,还有发展中国家的崛起,给西方带来了很大的危机,我称之为西方的生存危机。

The rise of China, not just China, the rise of the developing world as well which China of course, is part, is creating a big crisis in the West. I would call it the existential crisis of the West.


Because for 200 years, the West has run the world, has assumed that the world is its world, has been at the heart of all the major institutions, which it has designed. The assumption that its people will run the world, that its language, now English will dominate, that the people who run the world by and large will be white.


This era is coming to an end. This era is no longer sustainable. It's not just the rise of China. It's the rise of the developing world as well.

反对歧视偏见的行动正在西方国家发生,这种变化,不只是发生在美国,它是一种全球性的变化,是不同民族、不同肤色 、不同语言、不同文化 、不同文明的崛起

And you're experiencing in the West now, a backlash against its prejudice. And this change is not just happening in the United States. It's a global change. It's the rise of different peoples, different colors, different languages, different cultures, different civilizations.


I like the Chinese expression, inclusive civilization. But the West has got no idea how to embrace that.


And I'll just finish by saying this. Look, I regard China's rise to be extraordinarily positive that doesn't mean that China doesn't make mistakes, hasn't made mistakes, won't make mistakes in the future. Of course it will.


It's on a learning curve. It's only just really beginning to be a great power. But China is a very good learner. We can all see that.






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["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0922/1600744403835.jpg" ["description"]=> string(323) "20日传出特朗普总统原则上同意TikTok母公司字节跳动与甲骨文、沃尔玛达成协议(共识)的消息,该协议的主要内容随后得到披露。从美方给出的信息看,协议明显不公平,单方面迎合了华盛顿的无理要求,我们很难相信北京能够批准这一协议。" ["time"]=> int(1600744415) } [2]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370235) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "劳木:TikToK正式协议绝不应由美国单方拍板" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0922/1600744072654.jpg" ["description"]=> string(249) "美国《连线》月刊网站发布题为《禁用TikToK虚伪得令人作呕》的文章称,特朗普宣布打算禁用一个可以让美国人畅所欲言的平台,这一举动颠覆了两大民主价值观——言论自由和自由市场。" ["time"]=> int(1600744075) } [3]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370233) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(59) "安东尼·罗利:此时攻击中国无异于恩将仇报" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0922/1600743023538.jpg" ["description"]=> string(216) "美国和全世界其他部分即将收到一个直白提醒:无论是对华大肆攻击,还是与第二大经济体“脱钩”,都不是个很好的主意。此类行径无异于“中山狼恩将仇报”。" ["time"]=> int(1600743030) } [4]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370229) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "美国:3月份预测的最糟糕情形竟然成了现实" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(39) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0922/1600741481370.jpg" ["description"]=> string(266) "“谁曾想到,3月份看起来还令人难以置信的预言竟然成了现实,而且是当时所预测的最糟糕情形。”21日,多家美国媒体用类似的悲伤感叹迎接一个可怕的数字——美国新冠肺炎累计死亡病例达20万例。" ["time"]=> int(1600741485) } [5]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370212) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "牛弹琴:一觉醒来,戏剧性一幕发生了!" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0921/1600695726271.jpg" ["description"]=> string(247) "2020年,真是见证历史啊。最新的一幕,一觉醒来,WeChat(微信国际版)在美国的命运反转了,不再被下架,不再不能支付,一切继续照常!不是美国政府发善心了,而是法官强势介入了。" ["time"]=> int(1600695728) } [6]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369970) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(47) "毛瑞鹏: 联合国不是美国的政治私器" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0914/1600080319372.jpg" ["description"]=> string(319) "就在国际社会竭力通过联合国及其相关机构协调各方力量应对新冠肺炎疫情、致力于恢复受到严重破坏的“2030年可持续发展议程”之际,美国仍在狭隘地将注意力放在寻求支配联合国,甚至利用联合国系统打击被它视为“竞争对手”的国家。" ["time"]=> int(1600080328) } [7]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370172) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "张文木:要像毛泽东那样重视和早做人才布局" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0920/1600606740351.jpg" ["description"]=> string(207) "习近平总书记讲,要培养中国特色社会主义事业的接班人,培养治国理政的人才,这是古今教育思想中的大道理,也是专业人才培养必须服从的“大学问”。" ["time"]=> int(1600606744) } [8]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370171) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(53) "林爱玥: 围绕"FF日记"的舆论战还在继续" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0920/1600604854156.jpg" ["description"]=> string(426) "继英文版、德文版、日文版等版本之后,最近,“日记”的法文版也出版了。据说,此前的英文版、德文版和日文版的销量都非常惨淡,这种情况下,为何各种版本的“日记”还是马不停蹄的出版呢?毫无疑问,驱动那些出版商“前赴后继”的不是市场或经济利益而是政治需要,这表明,围绕“日记”的舆论战从未远离。" ["time"]=> int(1600604870) } [9]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370170) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(61) "董少鹏:面对美国 中国该如何"四两拨千斤"? " ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0920/1600603556394.jpg" ["description"]=> string(359) "半年来,美方舰机反复到中国近海海域和空域进行军事侦察和骚扰,并增加新的反华法案。近期又公然派出卫生部长亚历克斯·阿扎、副国务卿克拉奇飞到台湾岛访问,撤回其驻中华人民共和国大使。利用各种国际平台大肆诬蔑抹黑中国,制造“中国做错了一切”的舆论。" ["time"]=> int(1600603598) } [10]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370168) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "戴维·多德韦尔:美国是21世纪头号战争贩子" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0920/1600601232699.jpg" ["description"]=> string(231) "自“9·11”事件以来,美国“反恐战争”不仅造成了数以百万人伤亡,而且迫使阿富汗、伊拉克、巴基斯坦、也门、索马里、菲律宾、利比亚和叙利亚的至少3700万人流离失所。" ["time"]=> int(1600601160) } [11]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370126) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(52) "石正丽:溯源很重要 但可能永远找不到" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0919/1600505512208.jpg" ["description"]=> string(387) "全球科学与生命健康论坛9月18日在京举行。中国科学院武汉病毒研究所研究员石正丽发表题为“新冠肺炎病原学鉴定和可能的起源”主旨演讲。石正丽在接受采访时表示,团队正在溯源新冠病毒的自然源头,不过新冠病毒借由哪种中间宿主、如何从自然界传播到人类,这个问题仍然没有答案。" ["time"]=> int(1600505528) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370149) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "人民日报钟声:中方对中美关系立场一以贯之" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0920/1600576102993.jpg" ["description"]=> string(378) "中美关系的明天,取决于今天的正确选择和行动,离不开各方对历史经验的吸收、对历史教训的记取。把握好中美关系发展的正确方向,需要以两国人民和世界各国人民根本利益为念。美方应当构建客观理智的对华认知,制定理性务实的对华政策,采取有利于双边关系重回正轨的行动。" ["time"]=> int(1600576109) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370105) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "胡锡进:解放军实操了一次对台的军事行动" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0918/1600425298540.jpg" ["description"]=> string(291) "解放军东部战区今天在台海组织实战化演练,台媒上午称,从7点16分开始,解放军战机从台湾西南、西部、西北和北部四个方向逼近台湾岛。要老胡说,这还是客气的。美国高官来一次,解放军的战机就要逼近台湾一步。" ["time"]=> int(1600425315) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370099) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "郑永年:与中国强行脱钩,必会付出巨大代价" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0918/1600402522789.jpg" ["description"]=> string(231) "世界正遭遇二战结束以来最严重的全球公共卫生危机,不稳定性不确定性明显增强。中国作为负责任大国积极维护和完善国际多边体系,已成为维护战后国际秩序的重要力量。" ["time"]=> int(1600402544) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370111) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "东部战区官微发话:丢掉幻想,准备战斗" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0918/1600427338209.jpg" ["description"]=> string(380) "18日上午10时,国务院办公室举行新闻发布会,宣布东部战区自今日起在台海附近举行实战化演练,作为对近一段时间以来美台互动频繁的回应。东部战区官方微博@援引东部战区发言人张春晖空军大校的话表示:有信心有决心挫败任何人、任何势力以任何形式策划实施“台独”分裂活动。" ["time"]=> int(1600427351) } [16]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370116) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "环评:这已非警告,而是实战性演练攻台" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0918/1600437565514.jpg" ["description"]=> string(348) "这次军演释放了两大突出信号。第一是,国防部发言人明确表示军演“针对当前台海形势”,这明显指的是美台频繁勾连,尤其是美副国务卿克拉奇访台。这说明解放军不再讳言,我们威慑的就是美台勾连,这不仅是决心和意志展现的升级,而且形成了定点瞄准。" ["time"]=> int(1600437574) } [17]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370082) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "福奇回答:新冠何时结束?如何提高免疫?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(39) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0918/1600391252394.jpg" ["description"]=> string(216) "美国传染病专家福奇博士说,尽管他认为人类可能永远无法根除新型冠状病毒,他预估2021年晚些时候或2022年初,人们的生活基本上可以恢复到2019年疫情前的秩序。" ["time"]=> int(1600391271) } [18]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370074) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(62) "港台腔:当"大陆口罩"遇上"美国猪" 民进党现形" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0917/1600341065207.jpg" ["description"]=> string(408) "民进党真正怕的,是对大陆的污蔑抹黑被台湾民众识破,“反中”“仇中”“恐中”破产,被岛内民众赶下台。民进党甩锅大陆口罩和严格“一刀切”的反应速度,与应对美猪进口“吃了没事”的模糊态度,完全大相径庭。当“大陆口罩”遇上“美国猪”,瞬间就明白了什么是民进党口中喊的“台湾价值”。" ["time"]=> int(1600341092) } [19]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370040) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(62) "网评:这可能是美国"科学政策史上最耻辱时刻"" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600261603282.png" ["description"]=> string(219) "美国总统特朗普多次在科学问题上对美国人民撒谎,这些谎言打击了科学界的士气,使美国付出了无数生命代价,表示“这或许是美国科学政策史上最耻辱的时刻”。" ["time"]=> int(1600261628) } [20]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370071) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "美国政府能有多坏 看看伊朗科学家的遭遇!" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0917/1600339040823.jpg" ["description"]=> string(295) "美国《纽约客》杂志近日刊登了一期超长篇报道,详细介绍了曾在2017年时遭美国政府逮捕的伊朗科学家西鲁斯·阿斯加利(Sirous Asgari),在今年通过美国与伊朗的“人质交换”而重获自由前,都遭到了美国政府的哪些迫害。" ["time"]=> int(1600339121) } [21]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370030) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "方兴东:美国为何那么怕失去互联网霸权?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600252410757.jpg" ["description"]=> string(171) "为了阻击中国高科技企业,美国政府的所作所为已经脱离基本规则和正常理性。这背后,其实是美国为了守住自己的互联网霸权。" ["time"]=> int(1600252414) } [22]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370028) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(49) "林旭:美国岂止错了40年!至少80年!" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600250887254.jpg" ["description"]=> string(315) "白宫国家安全顾问欧布莱恩近日表示,对中国的交往政策,是美国40年来最失败的外交政策。蓬佩奥等政客此前也表达了同样的看法。这是打脸尼克松、基辛格,以及美国历届政府呀。以我的看法,美国岂止错了40年,应该说错了至少80年!" ["time"]=> int(1600250916) } [23]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370027) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(61) "李杰:我国正迈入强国海军 再造航母动力或变" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600250213390.jpg" ["description"]=> string(303) "我国著名海军专家李杰表示,如今中国海军正在从大国海军迈入强国海军。实际上随着中国近年来高速发展,中国海军实力也今非昔比。不久前美国五角大楼的报告中指出,我国海军拥有350艘舰船,在数量上已经超过了美国海军。" ["time"]=> int(1600250281) } [24]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370018) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(51) "胡锡进:中国不得不战时,可放手一战" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600222267246.jpg" ["description"]=> string(366) "中国人不想打仗,但我们与数个周边国家有领土纠纷,美国鼓励它们同中国对抗,其中有些国家觉得战略上有机可乘,对中国态度横横的,以为中国在美国战略压力下不敢、不愿、不能与它开战,所以想火中取栗。还有台湾方向的问题。中国大陆卷入一场战争的风险严重升高。" ["time"]=> int(1600222260) } [25]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370019) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(39) "马凯硕:看清中美竞争的本质" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0916/1600222677590.jpg" ["description"]=> string(417) "过去30年是中美力量对比发生剧变的30年。看人均,美国收入最低的50%人群收入和生活水平一直在下降,而中国最困难群众则经历了历史上生活水平提高最快的30年。看总量,中国从只占美国国内生产总值(GDP)的10%发展到目前按购买力平价计算GDP已超越美国。可以说,美国迷失了发展道路,而中国找到了正确道路。" ["time"]=> int(1600222695) } [26]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369999) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "王云飞:中印边境越冬除了物质更是意志比拼" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0915/1600167342193.jpg" ["description"]=> string(177) "天在班公湖地区,解放军后勤定能为前线提供最优质的支援保障,期待前线官兵继承长津湖精神,创造具有新时代特色的班公湖精神!" ["time"]=> int(1600167355) } [27]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1370002) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(46) "任正非:没有退路,就是胜利之路 " ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0915/1600173424317.jpg" ["description"]=> string(138) "8月31日,任正非在战略预备队学员和新员工座谈会上讲话。以下为微信公众号心声社区发布的讲话全文。" ["time"]=> int(1600173428) } [28]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369960) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(52) "胡锡进:印度媒体出恶搞视频 令人震惊" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0914/1600076156832.jpg" ["description"]=> string(256) "9月8日,《今日印度》发布了一段题为“莫迪:App猎人”的恶搞视频。发布这段视频的《今日印度》So Sorry栏目称,这是针对“中印边境持续紧张之际,莫迪政府禁用中国手机应用的滑稽镜头”。" ["time"]=> int(1600076163) } [29]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369951) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "樊鹏:这些国家控制不住疫情,症结在哪" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0914/1600052833706.jpg" ["description"]=> string(186) "一些国家的疫情发展再次突出了一个问题,对于新冠肺炎疫情这样一个严重的公共卫生事件,到底什么样的社会管理能力才能发挥有效作用?" ["time"]=> int(1600052927) } [30]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369871) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(48) "林耶:这样批判蓬佩奥,尴尬了谁?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0912/1599909102353.jpg" ["description"]=> string(180) "准确来说,蓬佩奥的言论不仅仅是“好战”,真实的内核是反华反共,而反共又是最其用来反华的一大法器,这已为中国广大人们所知。" ["time"]=> int(1599909108) } [31]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369915) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(62) "霍尔登·索普:美国科学政策史上最羞耻的时刻" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0913/1599986285829.jpg" ["description"]=> string(272) "当地时间9月11日,全球权威学术期刊《科学》杂志总编辑霍尔登·索普在该杂志官网上发表一篇题为《特朗普对科学说谎》的文章,严词批评美国总统特朗普。“这可能是美国科学政策史上最羞耻的时刻。”" ["time"]=> int(1599986297) } [32]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369909) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "刘和平:蔡当局眼下最担心大陆演练会变实战" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0913/1599969163420.jpg" ["description"]=> string(225) "刘和平:在这种情况下,大陆这一系列的军事行动,实际上就是针对美国战略挤压行为的“反挤压”,而中美双方的共同挤压,也就让夹在中间的台湾不幸成为了夹心饼。" ["time"]=> int(1599969185) } [33]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369914) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "凯文·尼科森:如果本·拉登看到现在的美国" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(0) "" ["description"]=> string(269) "美国《国会山报》刊登了一篇评论文章,题目为《如果本·拉登看到我们自我毁灭,他会怎么想?》。文中,作者称自己非常担忧美国将会被反种族歧视抗议、自由派等群体分裂,从而走向“自我毁灭”。" ["time"]=> int(1599986032) } [34]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1369872) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(51) "金一南:首先要具备使危机升级的能力" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2020/0912/1599909380348.jpg" ["description"]=> string(402) "近期美国在西太平洋这带,尤其在中国周围军事活动频繁,大家一看好像中国面临巨大的军事压力,实际就四个字:色厉内荏。你看美国现在来势汹汹,气势汹汹,表面上张牙舞爪,凶狠得不行,好像抵近中国家门口了,把我们的院子都包围了,实际上每次来它都胆战心惊,而且军舰也是尽量高速通过。" ["time"]=> int(1599909389) } }


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