
2018-09-27 12:02 我要评论(0)



继民 财经汇



美国贸易代表办公室(USTR)周二刊登消息说,美国贸易代表莱特希则(Robert Lighthizer),日本经济产业大臣世耕弘成(Hiroshige Seko)及欧盟主管贸易事务的执行委员马姆斯壮(Cecilia Malmstrom)在纽约会谈后签署了“美日欧联合声明”,声明内容如下:



2018年9月25日,日本经济、贸易和工业部长Hiroshige Seko先生、美国贸易代表Robert E. Lighthizer大使和欧洲贸易专员Cecilia Malmström夫人在纽约举行了会议。

关于第三国不以市场为导向的政策和做法的关切的声明 部长们重申关注并确认了它们共同的目标, 即解决第三国的非市场化政策和做法, 从而导致严重的生产能力过剩, 为工人和企业创造不公平的竞争条件, 妨碍开发和使用创新技术, 破坏国际贸易的适当运作, 包括现有规则不有效。

部长们回顾, 以市场为导向的条件对公平、互惠互利的全球贸易体系至关重要, 其公民和企业在市场导向条件下运作。 他们讨论了正在采取的行动和可能在不久的将来采取的措施。

因此, 他们指示其工作人员进一步讨论各种因素或迹象, 表明企业和工业存在面向非市场的政策和做法, 以加强非市场导向的信息共享第三国的政策和做法, 与其他贸易伙伴合作, 确定维持以市场为导向的条件的手段, 并深化关于执法和制定规则的讨论, 作为解决这些问题的工具。

关于工业补贴和国有企业的声明  部长们审查并确认了有关工业补贴和国有企业可能的新规则的进展情况, 以便为其工人促进一个更公平的竞争领域, 并企业。 部长们强调了确保公平竞争的重要性, 因为第三方发展中国有企业的挑战成为国家冠军, 并使它们在全球市场中松动--造成扭曲, 消极地影响到各部长母国的农民、工业生产者和工人。部长们认识到他们的工作进展, 并继续需要加深他们的共同理解, 在加强工业补贴和国有企业规则的基础上, 包括如何制定有效的规则来解决国有企业扭曲市场行为, 面对特别有害的补贴做法, 如: 国有银行贷款不符合公司的信用, 包括由于政府隐性担保;政府或政府控制的投资基金在非商业条件下的股本投资;非商业性债转股;优惠的输入定价, 包括双重定价;在没有可靠的重组计划的情况下向患病的企业提供补贴;和补贴导致或维持产能过剩。

三边伙伴继续探讨如何增加透明度和通知失败的费用, 以及如何加强获得补贴信息的能力。

部长们还确认, 他们承诺继续共同努力, 维持现有世贸组织纪律的效力。

在此基础上, 他们同意加强彼此之间的讨论, 并表示打算在2018年底之前推进各自的内部步骤, 以便在此后不久开始就更有效的补贴规则进行谈判。部长们强调必须确保主要贸易伙伴参与今后的谈判。

关于对第三国强制技术转让政策和做法的关切的声明  部长们回顾了他们的共同看法, 即任何国家都不应要求或向外国公司施加压力向国内公司转让技术, 包括例如, 通过使用合资要求、外国股权限制、行政审查和许可程序或其他手段。部长们认为这种做法是可悲的。

部长们再次谴责由政府所采取的行动用来支持外国公司的计算机网络未经授权侵入和盗窃, 以获取其敏感的商业信息和商业机密, 并利用这些信息进行商业性获得。 回顾强迫技术转让政策和做法为其工人和企业造成不公平的竞争条件, 妨碍开发和使用创新技术, 破坏国际贸易的适当运作,部长们将与其他志同道合的伙伴达成共识, 并与他们建立协商一致意见。部长们还同意深化对各种有害技术转让政策和做法及其影响的调查和分析。

部长们申明承诺采取有效手段制止有害的强迫技术转让政策和做法, 为此目的, 深化关于执法和制定规则的讨论, 以此作为解决这些问题的工具。

关于世贸组织改革讨论的声明 部长们就世贸组织改革的必要性达成了共同看法, 并就其监测和监督职能商定作为第一步, 共同发起一项透明度和通知建议, 以在世贸组织货物贸易理事会下一次会议上审议。

他们还同意促进加强经常委员会的活动, 并指示其专家讨论拟订一项可能的联合提议, 由三名成员共同提出, 重点是促进最佳做法和提高效率跨委员会。

过于宽泛的发展分类, 加上自我指定的发展地位, 阻碍了世贸组织谈判新的、贸易扩大的协定并损害其效力的能力。部长们呼吁要求发展中国家地位的先进世贸组织成员在目前和未来的世贸组织谈判中作出充分承诺。

关于数字贸易和电子商务的声明  部长们对数字保护主义的扩散日益感到关切, 并同意在促进数字贸易和数字经济增长方面进行合作, 并通过数据安全的推广。

部长们欢迎世贸组织电子商务联合声明倡议下的探索性工作的进展。 他们同意加紧和加快这一进程, 加深各成员之间对未来数字贸易协定中可能包括的内容的理解, 其目的是更新世贸组织规则, 以及这种协议。 部长们同意继续努力, 在尽可能多的成员的参与下, 及时展开一项高标准协定的谈判。

关于在其他问题上的合作的声明  部长们确认了相互协调的重要性, 以减轻贸易和外国投资对其国家安全的风险, 包括在适当的情况下继续合作三个合作伙伴的当局分享最佳做法和交流关于外国投资审查机制的信息。

部长们欢迎出口信贷国际工作组的三方合作, 以便在2019年尽快制定一套新的政府支助出口信贷准则。

部长们重申了它们在国际论坛上的合作, 例如 G7、G20 和经合组织, 以及在诸如钢铁过剩产能问题全球讲坛和政府/当局半导体会议等部门倡议中, 以解决扭曲市场的措施。


Joint Statement on Trilateral Meeting of the Trade Ministers of the United States, Japan, and the European Union

Mr. Hiroshige Seko, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, Ambassador Robert E. Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative, and Mrs. Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Trade, met in New York on 25 September 2018.

Statement on Concerns with Non-Market-Oriented Policies and Practices of Third Countries

The Ministers reiterated their concern with and confirmed their shared objective to address non market-oriented policies and practices of third countries that lead to severe overcapacity, create unfair competitive conditions for their workers and businesses, hinder the development and use of innovative technologies, and undermine the proper functioning of international trade, including where existing rules are not effective.

The Ministers recalled that market-oriented conditions are fundamental to a fair, mutually advantageous global trading system and that their citizens and businesses operate under market-oriented conditions.  They discussed actions being taken and possible measures that could be undertaken in the near future.

Accordingly, they directed their staff to further their discussion on various elements or indications that signal that non-market oriented policies and practices exist for businesses and industries, to enhance information sharing on non-market-oriented policies and practices of third countries, to engage with other trading partners on identifying means to maintain market-oriented conditions, and to deepen discussions on enforcement and rule-making as tools to address these problems.

Statement on Industrial Subsidies and State Owned Enterprise

The Ministers reviewed and confirmed progress regarding possible new rules on industrial subsidies and State Owned Enterprises so as to promote a more level playing field for their workers and businesses.  The Ministers highlighted the importance of securing a level playing field given the challenges posed by third parties developing State Owned Enterprises into national champions and setting them loose in global markets – resulting in distortions that negatively affect farmers, industrial producers, and workers in the Ministers’ home countries. The Ministers recognized the progress of their work, and the continued need to deepen their shared understanding, on the basis for strengthening rules on industrial subsidies and State Owned Enterprises, including how to develop effective rules to address market-distorting behavior of state enterprises and confront particularly harmful subsidy practices such as: state-owned bank lending incompatible with a company’s creditworthiness, including due to implicit government guarantees; government or government-controlled investment fund equity investment on non-commercial terms; non-commercial debt-to-equity swaps; preferential input pricing, including dual pricing; subsidies to an ailing enterprise without a credible restructuring plan; and subsidies leading to or maintaining overcapacity. 

The trilateral partners continue exploring how to increase the costs of transparency and notification failures and how to strengthen the ability to obtain information on subsidies. 

The Ministers also confirmed their commitment to continue working together to maintain the effectiveness of existing WTO disciplines.

On that basis, they agreed to intensify discussions among themselves and expressed their intention to advance their respective internal steps before the end of 2018 with the aim of initiating a negotiation on more effective subsidy rules soon thereafter. The Ministers emphasized the need to ensure the participation of key trading partners in these future negotiations.

Statement on Concerns with Forced Technology Transfer Policies and Practices of Third Countries

The Ministers recalled their shared view that no country should require or pressure technology transfer from foreign companies to domestic companies, including, for example, through the use of joint venture requirements, foreign equity limitations, administrative review and licensing processes, or other means.The Ministers found such practices to be deplorable.

The Ministers again condemned government actions that support the unauthorized intrusion into, and theft from, the computer networks of foreign companies to access their sensitive commercial information and trade secrets and use that information for commercial gain.  Recalling that forced technology transfer policies and practices create unfair competitive conditions for their workers and businesses, hinder the development and use of innovative technologies, and undermine the proper functioning of international trade, the Ministers will reach out to and build consensus with other like-minded partners. The Ministers also agreed to deepen their investigation and analysis of the full range of harmful technology transfer policies and practices and their effects.

The Ministers affirmed their commitment to effective means to stop harmful forced technology transfer policies and practices, and to this end, deepen discussions on enforcement and rule-making as tools to address these problems.

Statement on Discussions on WTO Reform

The Ministers shared a common view on the need for the reform of the WTO, and, with respect to its monitoring and surveillance function, agreed as a first step to co-sponsor a transparency and notification proposal for consideration at the next meeting of the WTO Council on Trade in Goods.

They also agreed to promote the strengthening of the regular committees’ activities and instructed their experts to discuss the development of a potential joint proposal by the three members focusing on the promotion of best practices and increasing efficiencies across committees.

Overly broad classifications of development, combined with self-designation of development status, inhibits the WTO’s ability to negotiate new, trade-expanding agreements and undermines their effectiveness.  The Ministers called on advanced WTO Members claiming developing country status to undertake full commitments in ongoing and future WTO negotiations.

Statement on Digital Trade and E-Commerce

The Ministers shared growing concerns about proliferation of digital protectionism and agreed to cooperate in facilitating digital trade and the growth of the digital economy and to enhance business environments through the promotion of data security.

The Ministers welcome the progress of exploratory work under the WTO Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce.  They agreed to intensify and accelerate this process to deepen understanding among members on possible elements to be included in a future agreement on digital trade aiming at updating the WTO rulebook, as well as the significant economic benefits of such an agreement.  The Ministers agreed to continue work toward the timely launch of negotiations of a high standard agreement with the participation of as many members as possible.

Statement on Cooperation on Other Issues

The Ministers confirmed the importance of coordination among themselves to mitigate risks to their national security from trade and foreign investment, including the continued cooperation between appropriate authorities of the three partners to share best practices and exchange information on foreign investment review mechanisms.

The Ministers welcomed trilateral cooperation for the International Working Group on Export Credits to develop a new set of guidelines for government-supported export credits as soon as possible in 2019.

The Ministers reaffirmed their cooperation in international fora, such as the G7, G20 and the OECD and in sectoral initiatives such as the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity and Governments/Authorities Meeting on Semiconductors, to address market-distorting measures.


文章来源:财经汇 | 责任编辑:东方

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array(27) { [0]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347785) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "钱学森:“我姓钱,但我不爱钱,我爱国”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(42) "http://history.m4.cn/2018-11/1347785.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541033539605.jpg" ["description"]=> string(150) "“我作为一名科技工作者,活着的目的就是为人民服务。如果人民最后对我的工作满意的话,那才是最高奖赏。”" ["time"]=> int(1541033572) } [1]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348042) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "倪光南:网信领域将出现各种“国产化替代”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1348042.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1108/1541682317708.jpg" ["description"]=> string(357) "北斗卫星导航系统是实现国产自主可控替代的榜样。经过10多年的艰苦奋斗、自主创新,我国的北斗卫星导航系统正在逐步替代GPS系统。我们好多人认为我们替代发达国家产品,就是落后替代先进,这个说法是完全不合适的。因为北斗对GPS 的替代,肯定是先进替代落后。" ["time"]=> int(1541682321) } [2]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348041) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "巩献田:钱学森谈毛泽东、政治体制与美国" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1348041.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1108/1541679768609.jpg" ["description"]=> string(369) "近几年,读钱学森同志的著作,一直被他提出的关于现代科学技术体系、思维科学、系统科学、开放复杂巨系统的概念和理论、人机结合以人为主的原则、从定性到定量的综合集成法、综合集成研讨厅体系和社会主义建设总体设计部的设想,以及大成智慧等的概念和理论所吸引。" ["time"]=> int(1541679861) } [3]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348040) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(51) "张全景:关于当前世界格局的几点看法" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1348040.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1108/1541679577103.jpg" ["description"]=> string(162) "当前世界处于从资本主义向社会主义过渡的时代,主要矛盾是资本主义同社会主义的矛盾,集中表现在美国与中国的矛盾。" ["time"]=> int(1541679580) } [4]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1348005) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(61) "刁大明:特朗普成了跛脚总统 或再陷关门危机" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1348005.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1107/1541585180355.jpg" ["description"]=> string(193) "2018年11月6日,美国新一轮中期选举尘埃落定。时隔8年,国会众议院再次转入民主党多数,而共和党成功保持、扩大了在国会参议院的多数优势。 " ["time"]=> int(1541585390) } [5]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347990) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(59) "面对邪恶:沉默的代价--重庆公交车惨案启示" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347990.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1107/1541558860972.jpg" ["description"]=> string(279) "悲剧,总是碾碎了看,为了汲取教训,悲剧不在上演。汲取重庆公交车坠江惨案的惨痛,作为公民不该强化一点社会责任感?!不要老无原则的讲什么宽容,无原则的宽容,自私自利的明哲保身,就是怂恿犯罪。" ["time"]=> int(1541558878) } [6]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347989) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "曾飞:不改善文化习俗,小康就难以实现!" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347989.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1107/1541558548297.jpg" ["description"]=> string(260) "最近,突发的重庆公交车坠江事件重重地撞击了每一个国人的心灵:一个只顾自己不顾他人的任性妇人的野蛮行为,不仅毁了自己的一生,也坑死了同样只顾自己不顾他人的13位冷漠的乘客的一生。" ["time"]=> int(1541558558) } [7]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347953) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(48) "林旭:美国下手虽然狠,遇到新对手" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347953.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1106/1541471691542.jpg" ["description"]=> string(150) "这次美中贸易战美国是攻方,中国是守方。打不打的主动权当然在美国手中,但是打赢打不赢却不是美国说了算。" ["time"]=> int(1541471758) } [8]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347927) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(64) "嘲弄资本与艺术市场 为“颠覆”而生的当代艺术" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(37) "http://fm.m4.cn/2018-11/1347927.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1105/1541392749566.jpg" ["description"]=> string(300) "班克斯(Banksy)在苏富比拍卖会上自毁作品引起艺术界轩然大波,如此惊世骇俗之举自然引来各方不同的评论声。有人赞其为对抗艺术市场、反击消费主义的壮举,有人却对此嗤之以鼻,认为这不过是一次颇为成功的自我炒作。" ["time"]=> int(1541392773) } [9]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347902) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(48) "钱昌明:美国是不是患上了焦虑症?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347902.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1104/1541333696319.jpg" ["description"]=> string(360) "作为世界唯一超级大国,既然美国已是世界第一,按理应该满足了。可是事实并非如此,霸权主义的贪心是永远不会满足的。即使在实际上它已坐上了“霸主”位置,又会怕随时失去,时刻害怕新兴力量的超越。为此,它就想要做能左右全人类命运、无所不能的“上帝”。" ["time"]=> int(1541333718) } [10]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347891) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(64) "从新闻主播到大使 “菜鸟”何以备受特朗普青睐" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347891.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1104/1541294839341.jpg" ["description"]=> string(271) "不到两年,从新闻女主播跳槽政界担任国务院发言人,再到未来出任驻联合国大使,这可不是电视剧里的情节。这一以火箭般的速度迅速升职的政界新人正是现任国务院发言人海瑟·诺尔特(Heather Nauert)。" ["time"]=> int(1541294880) } [11]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347884) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(58) "胡若愚:博尔顿给拉美三国贴标签 意欲何为" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(39) "http://news.m4.cn/2018-11/1347884.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541249069921.jpg" ["description"]=> string(259) "美国总统唐纳德⋅特朗普1日签署行政令,制裁委内瑞拉黄金行业。作为特朗普的“军师”,博尔顿在迈阿密达德学院发表演讲,指认委内瑞拉政府利用黄金出口资助“非法活动”和“犯罪组织”。" ["time"]=> int(1541249204) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347880) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "盖茨:中国扶贫是世界史上最惊人进步之一" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347880.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541243837948.jpg" ["description"]=> string(245) "近日,在目标守卫者年度报告上,比尔·盖茨做出演讲。他肯定了中国在过去几十年取得的扶贫成就,称其是“世界史上最惊人进步之一”,并且认为中国可以作为其他国家脱贫的范例。" ["time"]=> int(1541243845) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347875) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "任志刚:新中国前三十年经济建设的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347875.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541241814244.jpg" ["description"]=> string(432) "所以我们不接受任何指责新中国前三十经济建设的观点,做人不能没有良知。很多人以人民生活那么贫困来否定我们先人们的经济成就是错误的!事实是我们在建国后第一个三十年里取得了巨大的经济成就!所有指责前三十年经济建设的都是肚皮经济学者!而不是国民经济学家,因为国民经济学家必然会考虑整体和长远发展。" ["time"]=> int(1541241780) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347874) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(55) "吴鹏飞 :美国为什么突然对中囯如此仇恨" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347874.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541241415799.jpg" ["description"]=> string(192) "美国商务部长罗斯说,中国一直是世界工厂,现在竟然想成为全球科技中心,可怕。中国的这个计划将美国的知识产权置于危险境地,令人恐惧。" ["time"]=> int(1541241420) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347873) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "鹿野:从梁羽生到金庸武侠小说发展两个阶段" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347873.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541241137561.jpg" ["description"]=> string(195) "很多人认为,武侠小说就是以古代为背景的。其实第一部新派武侠小说恰恰是以近代的义和团运动为背景的,也就是梁羽生的著作《龙虎斗京华》。" ["time"]=> int(1541241161) } [16]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347872) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "渡边雅男:当代世界帝国主义的七个问题" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347872.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541240630335.jpg" ["description"]=> string(421) "本文的目的在于为帝国主义论正名。之所以到了今天又要为帝国主义论正名,是因为很多人错误地以为帝国主义概念已经过时了。回顾20世纪70年代以来的世界意识形态状况,过去曾在左翼知识分子尤其是马克思主义者之间如此热烈谈论的帝国主义概念,也和它的“难兄难弟”阶级概念一样,渐渐从人们的话语消失了。" ["time"]=> int(1541240656) } [17]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347857) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "占豪:特朗普突然打来电话,这是想通了?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347857.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1103/1541213725822.jpg" ["description"]=> string(232) "习近平1日应约同美国总统特朗普通电话。应约,就是他打给咱的。中美领导人通电话很有意思,中国往往都是应约,也就是说中美领导人之间通话,一般都是华盛顿打给北京。" ["time"]=> int(1541213941) } [18]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347747) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(54) "龙兴春:斯里兰卡政局“变天”为哪般?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-10/1347747.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1030/1540900373842.jpg" ["description"]=> string(302) "中国不干涉斯里兰卡内政,不管是拉贾帕克萨和维克拉马辛哈执政,中斯均保持良好关系。27日,中国驻斯里兰卡大使程学源分别拜会了拉贾帕克萨和维克拉马辛哈,表达了中方的关切,反映了中国并没有支持或者反对任何一方。" ["time"]=> int(1540900380) } [19]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347817) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "王胜国:毛泽东诗词中的人民观" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(42) "http://history.m4.cn/2018-11/1347817.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541073789464.jpg" ["description"]=> string(285) "毛泽东诗词既是世界文学史上的奇观,也是中国文学史上的丰碑。研读毛泽东诗词,不仅会陶冶一个人的爱国情操,培养人的审美情趣,提升人的精神境界,而且会激发一个人对人民群众的挚爱情愫,净化人的心灵。" ["time"]=> int(1541073791) } [20]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347815) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(62) "玉苏甫·热西提:驳斥“圣战殉教进天堂”谬论" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347815.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541072514976.jpg" ["description"]=> string(303) "世界上每一个宗教都有相对应“天堂”和“地狱”,而且每一个宗教对“天堂”和“地狱”的描述大同小异,“天堂”为让人向往的美好的地方,而“地狱”为让人产生恐惧的受苦的地方。这些描述是根据当时的生活条件来的...。" ["time"]=> int(1541072567) } [21]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347809) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(52) "兰斌强: 媒体和媒体人应守住基本底线" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347809.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541065719205.jpg" ["description"]=> string(351) "这两天,有两件事情成为热点事件,一件是重庆公交车坠江事故,另一件是央视前著名主持人李咏突然逝世。这两起事件之所以成为热点,是因为公交车坠江事故引发了公众对公共交通安全的担忧和对罹难者的心痛,而李咏的逝世显得太突然,令人们有些不敢相信。" ["time"]=> int(1541065762) } [22]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347808) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "司马南:王道荡荡与文化软实力" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347808.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541065017311.jpg" ["description"]=> string(324) "中国最著名的武侠小说作家金庸先生去世了,有中国人的地方便有武侠,有武侠便有金庸。金庸笔下写了众多人物,读者交口赞誉的两位大英雄乔峰郭靖,不独武艺高强,且有德性血性,符合中国文化对于王道荡荡的想象,有着巨大的人格力量。" ["time"]=> int(1541065020) } [23]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347807) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "郑永年:必须建立亚洲国家为主体的亚洲秩序" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347807.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541064836866.jpg" ["description"]=> string(192) "10月24日至26日,第八届北京香山论坛于北京国际会议中心召开,中外代表各抒己见。关于“亚洲秩序”这一话题,郑永年老师给出了自己的看法。" ["time"]=> int(1541064838) } [24]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347801) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(52) "张敬伟:“巴西特朗普” 难走反华路线" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-11/1347801.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1101/1541041588460.jpg" ["description"]=> string(316) "军人出身的博索纳罗,从政以来变换了8个党派,但其极端右翼立场没变。他被称为“巴西特朗普”,是因为在一系列议题上的反常立场,譬如侵犯人权、不尊重女性、反对同性恋等。西方媒体甚至给其贴上“反民主”和“法西斯”的标签。" ["time"]=> int(1541041651) } [25]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347773) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "罗思义:为何国际货币基金组织看衰特朗普" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-10/1347773.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1031/1540981855646.jpg" ["description"]=> string(254) "上周五出炉的美国GDP数据,印证了笔者稍早前的文章《对“特朗普治下的美国经济增长强劲”深度解剖!》所作的分析:特朗普治下的美国GDP增长峰值是二战结束以来的13位美国总统中最低的。" ["time"]=> int(1540981859) } [26]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1347748) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(61) "戴旭:贸战到军战 特朗普让世界回归黑暗丛林" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "http://www.m4.cn/opinion/2018-10/1347748.shtml" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(27) "2018/1030/1540900615435.jpg" ["description"]=> string(254) "中国一直在帮助美国,特朗普依然恩将仇报;看着日耳曼族裔的特朗普在美国的表现,我总是想到1933年1月,以极端民族主义口号和政策,宣扬本民族优越的另一个日耳曼人——希特勒的上台。" ["time"]=> int(1540900637) } }


3这时候上映《内战》 "美国人不舒服了"
6以色列不值得同情:围剿Tik Tok外 参与香港
7和美日这样搞 马科斯竟称"不影响中国投资"
12以总统最新表态:不寻求开战 但必须相应回
16伊以战事升级 美纽新康三州地区"高度戒备"
17中东紧张引发比特币抛售 伊朗货币跌至低点
1金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
5戈德曼丨批评中国产能过剩 耶伦犯了一个错
8纽约韩裔名厨抢辣椒油商标惹众怒 老干妈受
12欧盟“反补贴” 瞄准中国风力涡轮机下手了
17马来西亚海滩现巨型未知生物尸体 当地居民
1张文木 | 政治的膨胀与政治的文本——历史
5江平舟|莫斯科恐袭 美国事先就知情?
11中国科技超越韩国 未来核心科技差距更大
17丁刚 | 如何看待"中国制造"考验西方眼界
18金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃