

2015-02-10 11:04 我要评论(3)

关键词:小国 中国 论坛



What will China do if the president seeks to divide the country into 15 small states andthen goes to live in Europe?

Like Gorbachev.




★There is no comparison with the Soviet Union which was a grouping of fifteen different republics which were held together only through the tight control of Moscow. Moreover the Union was not an economically successful one so the constituent states were chafing at the bit and when Gorbachev fumbled the reins the horses bolted so to speak.


★The concept of China as a single nation, covering a wide area of east Asia has been part of Chinese self image and culture for over two thousand years. 


★Although holding together the constituent parts is not easy, and reuniting them after a prolonged period of decay is an even more Herculean task, any one who was responsible for the dissolution of the Republic would be unlikely to live in peace anywhere.


★But Gorbachev can live in peace though dissolution of union will cause millions of death from civil wars and extreme poverty.


★It was Stalin who put the right of secession in the USSR constitution; you can blame him. China has never had it.


★Where did you find this "fact"? The right of secession in the USSR constitution was added by Lenin, in that time Stalin was oppose such a strange idea though later he cutted out from Russia 2 additional republics: Kazakhstan and Karelo-Finnish republic.

I personally blame both of them and another leaders of bolshevik, but in fact Lenin was first.

China has never had a right of secession in her constitution, but do you really think that in case of rising to power chinese Gorbachev it would be impotant? Even here in quora there are a lot of Westerners writing about right of secession for Tibet,Hong Kong, Xinjiang and so on.

你从哪里得到这一“事实”的?退出苏联的权利是列宁加进去的,那时候斯大林极力反对这一古怪的想法,虽然他后来把哈萨克斯坦和卡累利阿-芬兰共和国从俄罗斯划出去了。 我个人认为他们两个都有责任,包括布尔什维克党的其他领导人,但实际上是列宁开了先例。 中国宪法里没有退出权,但你真的认为如果中国的戈尔巴乔夫当权了,那很重要吗?即使是在Quora这儿,也有很多西方人在发表XZ、香港、新疆等等地区的退出权的看法。

Zhang Liyu, 中国有礼仪之大故称夏,有服章之美谓之华。 4 upvotes by Wing Chau, Mikhail Kotykhov, Pavel Wolkow, (more) Admittedly, 「省籍」(province of origin) or 「地方主义」(localism) always poses a challenge for the Central government. 

★But most Chinese people prefer the idea of 「大一统」(the great unification). You know, the uniform legal framework, a common market and a common culture, a single currency and unified monetary policy… unification brings many advantages, there is an old Chinese saying:「天下大事,合久必分,分久必合」(The world important matter closes long divide surely, cent is long close.)

My conclusion: It will never happen. No one wants to see that happening.

必须得承认,省籍或者说地方主义始终是中央政府的一大挑战。 但是大多数中国人更倾向于大一统的理念。你知道,统一的法律架构,共同的市场,共同的文化,单一的流通货币,以及统一的金融政策……统一带来了很多优势。中国有句老话叫“天下大事(势),合久必分,分久必合”。 我的结论:不可能发生这种情况,没人想看到这种事发生。

★I hope so but the traitor at the top could do a lot of harm.


★This is implausible. Gorbachev, it should be noted, never wanted to divide the Soviet Union. His country fell apart, rather against his will, because multiple political and economic crises coincided to make continued unity apparently not a good idea.

The Soviet Union's experiences are not likely to map onto China's, at least not here. Most notably, China is not divided into 15 autonomous republics with national identities in the making and the right to secede. China is a much more homogeneous country than that. More importantly, China is a country that is more functional than the Soviet Union ever was, with an economy that generally works reasonably well.

If China had a Gorbachev-type reformer at the top, the dissolution of the Chinese state seems unlikely to me. I think that there's a reasonable chance that a democratic transition could actually be pulled off, without the country coming apart.

这种事不可能发生。戈尔巴乔夫从来没想过分裂苏联。他的国家的分裂违背了他的意愿,是因为政治经济上接二连三的危机导致了继续维持统一不再是一个好办法。 苏联的经历不太可能一一投射到中国身上,至少不是在这方面。最显而易见的是,中国并没有分成15个正在形成国族认同并拥有退出权的自治共和国。中国是一个更加同质化的国家。更重要的是,中国作为一个比曾经的苏联运转更良好的国家,经济总的来说是很好的。 如果中国的领导人是一个戈尔巴乔夫式的改革家,我依然认为中国的解体是不可能发生的。民主化的转型可能可以顺利地过渡,而国家不会分裂。

★As far as I know western supporters of Tibet,Xinjiang, Taiwan and Hong Kong have other belief than you about future of some regions of PRC but you noticed a lot of important differences between China and USSR. I want to add one more, there are only Han people in the standing Committee of the Politburo in CPC, no one of minorities of China was ever allowed to join to this ruling body. Quite the contrary in USSR minorities always have more seats in the Politburo than russians. In first politburo of C.P.S.U. there was only one russian(Bubnov) and he has not any power at all. P.S. And you are not right about Gorbachev. Sorry but It's true if you want I can explain.

据我所知XZ新疆台湾香港的西方支持者对PRC的一些区域有与你不同的想法,但是你注意到中国和苏联之间有很大的不同。我想再加一条,中国GCD的政治局常委全是汉人,没有一个少数民族有机会进入这个领导核心。而苏联的少数族裔在政治局里总是有比俄罗斯人更多的席位。在苏共的第一届政治局中只有一个俄罗斯人(Bubnov),而他没有任何实权。 P.S. 你对戈尔巴乔夫的看法也不对,如果你希望我解释一下的话。

★Please do explain.


★He will be expelled before he knows it. China has been a unified state for at least 2000 years. USSR never existed in its shape until like what, 200 years ago?

Tibet or Xinjiang might seek independence (or not, considering the pro government population there), but I can't imaging the rest of China splitting up. They have a single, unified identity. It is just not going to happen.

在他得逞之前就会被驱逐的。中国作为一个统一的国家已经至少2000年了。苏联这么大的领土规模在两百年前根本不存在。 新疆和XZ或许会谋求独立(也不一定,考虑到当地支持政府的人口),但我无法想象中国剩下的地区分裂。他们拥有统一的自我认同。这种情况不可能发生。

★ I hope you are right but Russian state has a long history too it did not help us.


★ this is really a non-sense question.

no president in China will do this.

这个问题简直无理取闹。 没有中国领导人会做出这样的事情。

★ But every time when new generation of leaders come to power in China western newspapers write that new leader is a Chinese Gorbachev.


★western media are just fooling and brainwashing their ppl, ignore those idiots.


★I hope you are right. Thx for answer.


★(more) haha  that's an interesting question, I'll think about it, but i have a assumption that we Chinese will still live our daily lives,but  if a war happens, i mean if, we will get united to rise up against the invaders. ∩__∩


★russian army was much stronger but it did not help at all because it obeytraitor's orders


★i think that's the difference between two countries, no offence, in China, country in some ways can mean home, and we have unified national culture throughout the whole Chinese history.the power of culture is very enormous, it protected China during the wars and help China gained victory .the best way to perish a nation is to perish its culture.i learned this sentance from my history class.during world war two, Japanese usedto forbid Chinese saying our own language (Chinese )and forced us to learn Japanese, in order to perish our culture, but obviously, this didn't work. so, i was wondering whether this would become true that the president divides our country into small countries and himself lives in Europe.again. no offence∩__∩


★ Yes I think that is very important that China is home for chinese people, and they must save this home for themselves and their children. But I think China could be divided too in 1989 imho.


★*^▁^*but China is still China, now ~


★ is good for china and han people )


★maybe" is good for the whole Chinese nation" is better ~∩__∩


★I do not think so. As russian I am not so naive and I am absolutely sure if and after dissolution some small nation(Uyghur people for example) would gladly have killed or expelled Hans like russians were killed or expelled in many regions of former USSR.


★those riots only happened in the south part of Xinjiang province ,and some members who took part in those riot movements didn't even know why they do this kind of things, some of them did it for money and some were just being used.and i have to admit that some leaders of  minorities really want to devide China for their own advantages, but that only a small part of the whole population i think, what is the most important thing for normal people? i think it's their life, no one would want to break their current happy life or lose their lives just for some  untouchable , invisible political aims. at present, i think chinese people are content with their lives*^▁^*


★ riots are small because separatists are afraid of police and PLA but if national minorities have all power they do another way.There are the same things everywhere in Algeria killed French, in former soviet republics killed russians and if Tibet for instance would become independent they start to kill and expel hans.


★but how do they become strong and encourage the rest of them to join their riot movements, since most of minorities feel content with their current life?


★It is not so difficult as you can think. There a lot of ways to do it. You read about not only in historical books but in newspapers too. There are a lot of examples of riots in recent days.


★ok, i think I'll follow you and then i can send you discussing this again another time, i have to enrich my knowledge about this kind of issue.


★good luck. I think Libya or Ukrain are good examples. there have normal life but small amount of people started the revolution and now they have civil wars.


★ i think there are other parties backup this kind of activities.


★of course always there are other parties, other countries and so on. And we even know these countries and parties )))


★yes, that's true. dirty politics.......i think.


★very dirty and very cruel


★It's the CCP administrate China, not just the president---a single person. The Politburo Standing Committee consisted of seven people, who are representing seven departments of China. It's impossible that all of the seven people are deciding to divide the country at the same time.


★I hope so but Gorbachev could do it easily.


★Chinese people are stick with the Great Unification notion throught the history. When we united as one, the country would be stable and prosperous. When we fell apart, there would be a lot of deadly wars and inner conflicts. In addition, the painful experience of losing territories and being colonized or semi-colonized by foreign powers is still fresh in Chinese people's memory. Gorbachev can fool Soviet Russia once, but a separatist can never become a CCP leader, let alone seven.


★I hope you are right and the Hans understand that the collapse of the state is a great misfortune for all people. Do not let fool you.

Long live for China.

我希望你是对的。汉人知道国家的覆灭对所有的民族都是不幸,别让那些人愚弄了你们。 中国万岁。

★Not just the Hans. Only 2 or 3 in 55 minorities that have some separatism issue to deal with, and I think it can be fixed as time goes on.


★ Hans is a core and a heart of the China. I do not think that there is needing to be embarrassed to talk about it.


★Thank you for your understanding and blessing. The collapse of Soviet Union does teach Chinese people and CCP an unforgotable lesson. Both of us people could a lot from it. Wish you all the best.


★ Very sad to read that this was a lesson that we could give for chinese.

Sad but true.

Tell me what ordinary people think about the party and China's future. It would be interesting.

当读到说我们给中国人的是教训的时候,我非常难过。 告诉我普通人怎么看待CCP和中国的未来。一定会很有趣。


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["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(140) "中国是津巴布韦的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易额超过10亿元,津巴布韦对人民币的需求日趋强烈。" ["time"]=> int(1450948518) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297246) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "台湾选举提前结束了吗?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(108) "本来选战就是中间选民的争夺战,这一次,国民党要找回自己的基本盘,怎么了?" ["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }


3这时候上映《内战》 "美国人不舒服了"
6以色列不值得同情:围剿Tik Tok外 参与香港
8和美日这样搞 马科斯竟称"不影响中国投资"
20以总统最新表态:不寻求开战 但必须相应回
1金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
5戈德曼丨批评中国产能过剩 耶伦犯了一个错
8纽约韩裔名厨抢辣椒油商标惹众怒 老干妈受
12欧盟“反补贴” 瞄准中国风力涡轮机下手了
17马来西亚海滩现巨型未知生物尸体 当地居民
1张文木 | 政治的膨胀与政治的文本——历史
5江平舟|莫斯科恐袭 美国事先就知情?
11中国科技超越韩国 未来核心科技差距更大
17丁刚 | 如何看待"中国制造"考验西方眼界
18金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃