

2015-01-09 17:19 我要评论(0)

关键词:马六甲 中国人民解放军 中国 困境


Written by Malcolm Davis.


The life-blood of China’s economy is energy. Without access to energy resources, China’s economy will slow, and its prosperity will wane, it will become more vulnerable to internal social and political disorder and the CCP’s grip on power will weaken.[1] Therefore, ensuring China’s energy security affects its foreign and defence policy, and will influence the future development of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).[2] China’s imported oil demand continues to outstrip diminishing domestic and offshore production and current projections suggest that by 2020 imported oil will make up 66% of its total oil demand, increasing to 72% by 2040.

At the heart of the challenge of ensuring energy security is ‘the Malacca Dilemma’. Chinese President Hu Jintao recognised the strategic significance of the Malacca Dilemma in November 2003 noting that “certain powers have all along encroached on and tried to control navigation through the [Malacca] Strait.” [3] The significance of the Malacca Strait is that 80% of China’s energy (in addition to much of its trade) moves through a waterway that at its narrowest point is only 1.7 miles across. The nearby Lombok-Makassar Straits (see map) are also strategically significant as most supertankers too large for the Malacca Strait traverse this route. [4] China is attempting to alleviate its dependency on these waterways by building pipelines through Myanmar and via Gwadar in Pakistan, but none of these projects would replace dependence on the sea for China’s energy supplies.[5]



Therefore in considering solutions to resolving the Malacca Dilemma, an obvious step, and one currently being undertaken, is greater cooperative naval diplomacy with other international actors to maintain good order at sea, and counter unconventional non-state threats to maritime security such as piracy and maritime terrorism. Beijing also could support capacity building for littoral states, intelligence exchanges and multi-national training through regional security architecture such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). But such peacetime practices do nothing to eliminate the Malacca Dilemma given that in a future conflict China still faces the prospect that an adversary could interdict Chinese shipping passing through the Malacca and Lombok-Makassar Straits.

因此考虑一种方案去解决马六甲困境,是很明显的一步,现在也在进行中。其主要是通过合作的海军外交方式与其他国际力量维持良好的海洋规则。并且对抗非传统非国家威胁维护海上安全,如海盗 和海上恐怖主义。北京也在扶持发展一些沿海国家建设能力,情报交换和多国训练 来维护区域安全,如 东盟地区论坛。但和平时期的练习无助于改善 马六甲困境  在未来的冲突中 中国依然面临着 其对手禁止中国驶过马六甲 和 龙目岛-望加锡海峡 的困境。

In a recent debate over the effectiveness of the US ‘AirSea Battle’ concept, Thomas Hammes suggested a strategy of Offshore Control that proposes a distant blockade on China and notes that the United States “…could prevent the passage of large cargo ships and tankers. In doing so, it would cripple China’s export trade, which is essential to China’s economy.” [6] The strategy highlights the importance of the Malacca, Lombok, and Sunda straits, and ensuring routes north and south of Australia were controlled such that “these shipments could be cut off”.[7]

在最近的关于 美国“海空一体战 ”覆盖率的讨论中,托马斯.海默思提议了一种离岸控制 计划远距离封锁中国,美国的记录如下“。。可以阻止大的货船和油轮通过,通过这种方式可以削弱中国的出口贸易,这对中国经济的影响至关重要”。战略重点是马六甲,龙目岛和巽他海峡的重要性,确保澳大利亚南北的通道处于掌控之中,这样中国的“货运会被切断”。

The context of this debate over US strategy is important to consider. China’s rapid rise and its military modernisation has generated a regional security dilemma with its neighbours who see China’s assertive behaviour in managing Asian maritime disputes, and worry that under Xi Jinping, China has chosen to move beyond Deng’s ‘bide your time, hide your strength’ dictum of foreign policy to embrace a more assertive revisionist posture that challenges the existing regional order and the strategic primacy of the United States. Regional states have responded by seeking closer security ties with the United States at the same time as the United States has chosen to rebalance to Asia in response to China’s rise. Thus, a regional ‘pull’ combined with a US’ ‘push’ is emerging. From Beijing’s perspective, the US rebalance, and intra-regional ‘band wagoning’ is indicative of the containment of China, and it has chosen to push back militarily with A2AD. The US and its allies see such a Chinese step as reinforcing their perception of a desire by China to challenge US strategic primacy in Asia. The regional security dilemma is sharpened.


For China, Hammes’ Offshore Control represents the Malacca Dilemma made manifest. In thinking about how China may respond, Storey argues that one path to countering the Malacca Dilemma is “building credible naval forces capable of securing China’s SLOCs.”[8] But what does this really imply for future PLA modernisation? China will need to build credible expeditionary naval capabilities as well as long-range airpower for maritime strike operations in more distant operations in ‘Far Seas’ and ‘Far Oceans’ to ensure an ability to break any distant blockade (see map). China’s introduction of the training aircraft carrier Liaoning in September 2012, is to be followed by up to four more indigenous aircraft carriers potentially by the mid-2020s, and represents a step in the direction of blue water capabilities designed for such a role.[9] But aircraft carriers will need to be fully supported by naval surface combatants as well as appropriate auxiliary vessels designed for at-sea combat sustainment tasks. It is beginning to develop skills in operating naval task forces in more distant operations, such as those engaged on counter-piracy tasks off the Gulf of Aden, but its logistic capabilities are insufficient to sustain a distant task force, especially one engaged in hypothetically high intensity combat operations. Erickson argues, based on analysis by Nan Li, that by 2020 China will only be able to project a modest joint task force for low-intensity operations far from China.[10]

对于中国来说,Hammes的离岸控制清楚的反应了马六甲困局。对于中国可能的反应,Storey认为一种能解决马六甲困局的方法是“建立可靠地海洋力量以保护中国的海上运输线”。[8] 但是这对于解放军未来的现代化意味着什么?中国会需要建立可靠的远洋力量,以及远程的制空权已完成在“远海”、“远洋”上的海上打击行动,从而保证打破发生在远离本土区域的封锁(见地图)。中国在2012年9月开始训练辽宁号航母,并且可能在2025年左右完成建造多达4个本土航母。这是增强蓝水力量,打破马六甲困局的一步。[9]但是航母需要其它水面舰只,辅助舰只的协助才能完成任务。中国海军已经开始在远洋执行任务并积累经验,例如他们在亚丁湾执行了打击海盗的任务。但是中国海军的后勤依然不足以支撑越洋任务,尤其是假想的高强度对抗。Erickson认为根据Li Nan的分析,到2020年中国在远离本土的地方只能执行低强度的小型联合任务。[10]

Yet, maintaining China’s energy security in wartime cannot be seen as being of secondary importance, and China is now undertaking a series of political and strategic steps, and building new military capabilities that suggest it is beginning to respond to the threat of distant blockades. At the political and strategic level, President Xi Jinping has recently announced the ‘Maritime Silk Road’ to integrate markets from China to Europe via the Indian Ocean littoral region. The Maritime Silk Road will enable China to develop maritime infrastructure including ports across the region. The Maritime Silk Road strengthens China’s economic and political influence, and thus widens China’s strategic interests across the Indian Ocean. This will not represent a new development per se, as Holmes and Yoshihara note that China has been active in promoting its influence across the Indian Ocean littoral over recent years.[11] But the stakes are now rising. China’s growing investment and its international prestige associated with the Maritime Silk Road must be protected which will in turn demand presence. That must influence PLA modernisation in coming years, and the Maritime Silk Road now provides a key rationale for an expansion of the PLA’s expeditionary warfare capabilities.

然而保证中国战时能源安全无疑是最关键的,中国正在采取一系列政治和战略手段来增加新的军事能力,中国已经开始着手应对远洋封锁的威胁。在政治和战略方面,习近平主席最近宣布要开辟海上丝绸之路,力求同过印度洋沿海区域打通通向欧洲的市场。海上丝绸之路的建设将带动此区域内港口及其它海上基础设施的建设,从而增强中国经济和政治影响力,并扩大中国印度洋区域的战略利益。然而海上丝绸之路自身并不代表新的发展需求,如Holmes 和Yoshihara所说的,中国近年来正在积极提升其在印度洋周边的影响力,但是带来的风险也越来越大。由丝绸之路带来的日益增长的投资和国际影响势必会需要加强对应的军事存在,中国解放军便会以此为借口在未来几年加快其现代化进程扩张远洋军事实力。 

At the military level, Erickson suggests a number of potential indicators for emerging blue water and long-range air capabilities, and three specific capabilities are worthy of consideration.[12] Erickson nominates quieter submarines as being important, and O’Rourke notes that the PLAN’s relatively noisy Shang class nuclear submarines (SSNs) are to be replaced with the quieter and more sophisticated Type 095 guided-missile nuclear submarines (SSGNs).[13] Significantly, China has begun operating its existing submarines in the Indian Ocean, much to the concern of India. Erickson also notes that more advanced surface vessels would be a key indicator. The PLAN is deploying the sophisticated Type 052D Luyang III guided missile destroyer (DDG), but is developing an even more capable Type 055 Cruiser, designed to protect aircraft carriers as part of a battle group and with the first potentially commissioned by 2017. 



Finally Erickson notes the importance of long-range air power. China is developing a new stealthy long-range bomber known as the H-20 which is designed to “allow the Chinese air force to complement aircraft carrier and amphibious projection capabilities of the [PLAN]” in conjunction with long-range J-20 stealth fighters. More significant is the role of PLASAF’s Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) capability. The DF-21D ASBM has generated concern in regards to its ability to undertake A2AD against US and allied forces within the First Island chain, but future longer range systems could extend A2AD south towards the Malacca and Lombok-Makassar Straits. Mark Stokes suggests that a follow-on capability to the DF-21D would extend PLASAF’s reach against adversary naval capabilities out to 3,000 km.[14] Such a capability, cued by ocean surveillance satellites, would enable China to strike at naval vessels from Hainan Island to well south of the Malacca Strait and just north of the Lombok Strait. 

最后一点,Erickson指出要加远程空中作战能力,中国正在研发一种代号为H-20的新型远程隐形轰战机,可以和J-20远程隐形战斗机协同作战,使空军可以更好地补充航母和解放军两栖投送能力。更需要注意的是中国解放军空军配备的反舰弹道导弹(ASBM),其中的东风DF-21型反弹道导弹凭借其可以对第一岛链范围内美军及其盟军实施反介入/区域拒止(A2AD)作战引起人们的极大关注,但是将来的远程系统将会使这种作战方式向南扩展到龙目岛和孟加锡 Mark Stokes认为DF-21D未来可能使解放军空军应对作战范围在3000公里的敌对海军,加上海洋监视卫星的引导,中国有能力打击从海南岛以南到马六甲海峡至龙目海峡以北任何军舰。

In conclusion, the essential requirement to ensure China’s energy security, and the prestige invested in building the Maritime Silk Road argues for China to begin building the means to protect its interests. From Beijing’s perspective, it cannot merely focus on countering intervention in the event of a conflict over Taiwan, or as a result of maritime disputes in the East China Sea and South China Sea. The task of ensuring China’s maritime trade and energy security, and countering the risk of a distant blockade is emerging as an important strategic interest that must shape the PLA’s future to a greater degree. As has happened before, China may yet surprise us as its military modernisation surges ahead to meet new challenges.


Dr. Malcolm Davis is an Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in China-Western relations at Bond University, Queensland, Australia. He is finishing up a book for Routledge UK on Chinese military modernisation in the 21st Century. Image credit: CC by Naval Surface Warriors/Flickr.

作者Malcolm Davis博士是位于澳大利亚昆士兰的邦德大学的助教及博士后研究院对中西关系的研究机构的一员,他刚刚在Routledge UK刊发了一本对中国在21世纪的军事现代化的论著//(页码XXXXXXX)图片由Naval Surface Warriors和Flickr.等提供


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string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(303) "越南中央级的党报党刊、军报军刊最近发表大量文章,阐述党的路线和大政方针,同时揭露、批判“国内外各种敌对势力和政治机会主义分子”在十二大前的各种破坏阴谋和伎俩,强调要防范和反对“和平演变”和“颜色革命”。" ["time"]=> int(1450949950) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297247) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "津巴布韦缘何“相中”人民币?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(140) "中国是津巴布韦的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易额超过10亿元,津巴布韦对人民币的需求日趋强烈。" ["time"]=> int(1450948518) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297246) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "台湾选举提前结束了吗?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(108) "本来选战就是中间选民的争夺战,这一次,国民党要找回自己的基本盘,怎么了?" ["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }


1女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家
3不想看到变得非常反华 以至于无法正确思考
9加拿大外长副手将前往中国 "想关系正常化"
19两男子国家公园内"推石块" 或面临重罪指控
1金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
4女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家
5戈德曼丨批评中国产能过剩 耶伦犯了一个错
8纽约韩裔名厨抢辣椒油商标惹众怒 老干妈受
12不想看到变得非常反华 以至于无法正确思考
1张文木 | 政治的膨胀与政治的文本——历史
3江平舟|莫斯科恐袭 美国事先就知情?
7中国科技超越韩国 未来核心科技差距更大
13丁刚 | 如何看待"中国制造"考验西方眼界
14金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
17女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家