

2015-01-02 16:54 我要评论(0)

关键词:中国 决心 金钱 力量

One may be the loneliest number but its also one of the most coveted. China enters 2015 as the world's second largest economy, with their eyes set on overtaking the United States hold on the top position.

“一”可能是最孤独的数字,但它也是最让人渴望的数字之一。中国以世界第二大经济体的身份迈入2015年,他们眼中的目标是赶超位于第一的美国。   Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist says China’s rise will come sooner rather than later: “I think it’s going to be very quickly the world’s number one economy. In terms of one important measure, which is GDP purchasing power parity. It’s really on the cusp of overtaking the United States. That’s a mind concentrating moment for America.” Although China’s economy is slowing down, it is still growing at a far greater rate than most of the world.

《经济学人》杂志的高级编辑Daniel Franklin说,中国的崛起宜早不宜迟:“我认为中国很快就会成为世界第一大经济体。就国内生产总值购买力平价这一个重要指标来说,中国确实处在超越美国的转折点了。这对美国来说是一个聚精会神的时刻。”虽然中国的经济发展正在放缓,但其发展速率仍然远高出世界上大部分国家。 (译注:购买力平价,在经济学上是一种根据各国不同的价格水平计算出来的货币之间的等值系数,以对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较。但是,这种理论汇率与实际汇率可能有很大的差距。)   The Economist predicts 2015 will bring about a shift in how China’s growth is fueled. “It’s not going to be that very intensive investment led growth. It’s increasingly going to be developing it’s services”, says Franklin. This will open up opportunities for foreign businesses to invest and capitalize on the new demand.

《经济学人》预测,拉动中国经济增长的因素会在2015年发生转变。Franklin说:“这个因素将不会是曾经带动增长的集约投资,而是更多地变成服务业的发展。”这会对外国企业依据新需求进行投资和资本化带来新的机会。   China will use its economic power to advance free-trade negotiations with several neighbors. Convincing South Korea, Japan and other Southeast Asian countries that doing business with growing China is good for them shouldn’t be a hard sell. Opportunities to invest and develop should be plentiful. China will see big growth in travel, telecommunications and the service field.

中国会利用它的经济力量来推进与几个邻国的自由贸易谈判。要说服韩国、日本和其他东南亚国家跟迅速发展的中国做买卖对他们有好处,这应该不难。投资和发展的机会应该是充足的。中国在旅游、远程通信和服务业方面会有很大的发展。   Even though the growth will be steady, there are still fears about the debt that China has accumulated and that instability could ensue. If the country does encounter some shakiness, look for the government to intervene. “The Chinese financial system is quite tightly controlled by the state. Although there could be some wobbles there and that could cause worries for the rest of the world. Ultimately, china has a lot of weapons at its disposal to combat any real sense of crisis,” says Franklin.

尽管增长将是平稳的,对于中国所积累的债务以及有可能导致的动荡,仍有人存在担心。如果中国遇到了波动的话,就寻求政府的干预吧。Franklin说:“中国的金融体系由国家掌控得相当牢,但也可能会有一些引起其他国家担心的动荡。归根结底,中国有很多可支配的武器来对付任何真正意义上的危机。”   Other countries may not like what China is doing, but they’ll certainly have to respect it. The economic clout and power the country has is undeniable and will only strengthen in 2015.



★Brilliant, just Brilliant, The U.S. Corporations in their flag waving patriotism, have been helping Communist China gain wealth by moving U.S. manufacturing and transferring technology that wasn't already stolen to China. Then importing these same products, adding wealth and technology useful to China’s government and military. China then with it's added wealth supplied by the U.S. Corporations are now able to compete militarily with the U.S. and are now able to help other adversaries of the U.S. Every dollar spent on a China made items, moves them closer to surpassing the U.S. militarily and diminishes the influence the U.S. has around the world. The U.S. Corporations think for the immediate return, the Chinese think for the long term!


★For all the people saying that money doesn't buy respect - maybe...but I sure don't see anybody that's broke getting too much respect.


★Nice article! it was a good read very truthful a lot of country are envious like the US


★Belfigo (the author) must have been drunk last night and just phoned this in when he woke up. China passed the US in PPP earlier this year. It's old news. And the article completely ignores the fact that GDP and GDP as measured by PPP are completely different things. I can only assume this article was meant as click-bait.


★That's funny we have the biggest economy. We never have. But what we so far have had is the most stabil political system known and that keeps our dollar strong. During stressful times like Vietnam, two World Wars, even a Civil War our government changed hands peacefully according to our founding agreement(constitution). People invest in us because they know we won't pull a Cuba or a China. And the way China plays with thier laws I don't see that happening anytime soon. But if we continue this attitude of dividends at all costs in the short term and fail to look foward like we used too we to shall pass this baton on.


★Jealous haters aren't hard to find on these articles, but the part that really amuses me most is how the writers come up with these headlines. How does anyone make New Years resolutions for someone ELSE? How does an article without a single direct quote from any official Chinese source make that claim?

The truest thing about this article is the final paragraph that states "Other countries may not like what China is doing, but they’ll certainly have to respect it. The economic clout and power the country has is undeniable and will only strengthen in 2015.”.

Well, we can see that there are those that "don't like it", and they're taking the opportunity to show that the only thing they can do about it is to complain about it with their habitual on-line China-bashing. Funny how they say that the Chinese are the ones that should "let go" of things that happened 70 years ago, while showing off the same attitude that their own failed empire burned to the ground with. 

在这些文章里嫉妒的仇恨者们不难找,但是最让我真正被逗乐了的是作者怎样想到这些新闻提要的。一个人怎么能为其他人定“新年决心”呢?一篇文章连一条直接引用中国官员的话都没有,又怎么能做出这样的宣称呢? 这篇文章里最真实的部分是最后一段,说“其他国家可能并不欢迎中国正在做的事情,但他们确实只能尊重中国。中国所拥有的经济影响力和力量不可否认,在2015年,这只会变得更强。” 嗯,我们能看到有人“不欢迎”,而且他们正抓紧机会来表现出他们对此唯一能做的就是习惯性地在网上抨击中国来抱怨这件事。有趣的是,他们说中国人应该对70年前发生的事情“放手”,同时炫耀着他们自己失败了的帝国付之一炬时同样的态度。

★We Chinese respect and had succeed to deal with the CIVILIZED nations to gain our territories back with countries like ; England ( HongKong ) , Portuguese ( Macau) Russia ( island) and some eastern part with eastern nations, but to those small greedily and characteristics of thieves who illegally steal and occupied our um-disputed islands specially to Vietcong , Philippine and abnormal country; 100% Chinese approve , support the Red Chinese (event they do not like the Communist leaders). Actually we wish the red Chinese leaders to "bully" those thieves second thought period! not qualify being respected from us!


★Money, Power, are NOT happiness. These are means for domination, imperialism, thefts, bullying, robberies, banditry etc...

beneficial ONLY to the corrupted rulers of China (or of any other nation) NOT to ordinary people.

History has shown clearly that ordinary people are LOSERS in any wars of conquest or in any zero-sum con-game using money.

Respect comes ONLY when ordinary people benefit at the outcome.

Otherwise respecting will become cursing.

In the end, ONLY happiness counts,

NOT money, not power, not delusional glory, not placebo effects, not snobbism,

NOT kool aid, not snake oil.

And remember that happiness (and peace) comes only if it is THE happiness for ALL, not only for con men, ccrroooks, thugs and their lackeys using money, power, coerced “respect” to rule and fleece people.

钱、权,都不是快乐。帝国主义、盗窃、欺凌、抢劫、土匪行为等等……这些都是统治手段,只对中国(或任何其他国家)腐败的统治者有好处,而对普通民众无益。历史明确表示,在任何征服的战争里、在任何使用金钱的零和游戏里,普通人都是输家。 只有当普通人得益于结果的时候,才谈得上尊重。不然尊重只会变成谩骂。 最后,只有快乐才重要。不是钱,不是权力,不是虚幻的荣耀,不是安慰剂的效果,不是势利,不是迷魂汤,不是万金油。 而且,记住,快乐(以及和平)唯一实现的方法是,这是所有人的快乐,而不只是用金钱、权力、胁迫来的“尊重”来统治、欺诈人民的那些骗子、恶棍、暴徒们以及他们的走狗的快乐。

★Doing business with China is good until your products are copied, then the government decides your superior products are a monopoly, interferes, and cripples your business in China. In the end, domestic Chinese companies win.


★Obama and the Democrats can give them money but I don't know how they get respect.


★HEY China, money does NOT buy you respect. It can buy power. It can buy fear. It causes jealousy even. If that's what you want, you can definitely get those things with money. RESPECT, however, comes from playing fair (fair trade), treating people right (human rights), having class (stop being a regional bully to weaker countries) and not being a friggin' thief to fast-track your progress (copying and stealing intellectual properties). Nobody respects a cheating brick who treats people like siht, no matter how rich and powerful he is.


★No we d@#m sure DONT have to respect it! I see absolutely NOTHING to respect about the oppressive thugs. 

And why does everyone keep insisting on counting their chickens before they're hatched? China is not even close to overtaking America. Hey! I'm here! in China. Been here for over 10 years. Why don't you come over here and have yourself a little look around. Get out of Shanghai and Beijing and Shenzhen and you'll quickly see what I mean. They are NOT EVEN CLOSE!!

And even if they were, , what the h@#ll would it mean? NOTHING. With 4 times the population it's really pathetic that they haven't been the largest economy for decades. You see, , , what China has, , is... 1.3 or well, I hear it's closing in on 1.4 BILLION now? You see what that is? It's a market. A HUGE GIGANTIC market. And everybody and his dog wants to sell to that market. And everyone and his dog also knows that they need to be in good with the Communist Thugs to succeed in selling to that market. So everyone's always BRAGGING on China. Paying lip service to China! saying all the things they know China wants to hear. 

Frankly it's getting so disgusting I just feel an urgent need to PUKE every time I read one of these ridiculous articles like this. 

Enough already about the "Heavenly Kingdom"! Give it a rest! 

不,我们TMD确定我们不需要尊重中国!对这个残酷的恶棍,我根本不知道有什么好尊重的。 而且,为什么每个人都非要这么过分乐观呢?中国甚至离赶超美国还远着呢。嘿!我在这儿呢,在中国。我在这儿超过10年了。你们为什么不来这儿自己四处稍微看一看呢。到上海、北京、深圳以外的地方去看看,你很快就会看到我说的。他们一点儿都不像! 就算他们像,那又TMD的说明什么呢?啥都说明不了。中国人口是美国的四倍,他们这几十年里都还不是最大的经济体真是很可怜。 你懂的……中国有……13还是,我听说现在快14亿人口了?你们知道那是什么吗?那是市场,一个超级大的市场。每个人连着他们家的狗都想向这个市场卖出去点儿什么。每个人连人带狗都知道他们需要跟这个共产主义的恶棍打好关系,好在那个市场卖东西。所以每个人都在拍中国的马屁、说中国的好话,说那些我们都知道中国想听的话! 老实说,这真是很恶心,我每次读这样的荒谬文章时都迫不及待地想吐。 “天堂王国”,已经够了!让它歇歇吧!

★U.S sleeping with the enemy, again.


★USA 2015 resolution: Hope, change, and a prayer.


★I do not get the dolts who write these articles. they do realize capitalism does not surive in a communist nation and the fact that our economy is built with 700 million less people. it is like comparing apples and oranges. finally the average gdp percapita is less than 10 thousand a year. that is powerful poverty. go china. go dumb articles just to get ratings


★Funny, how all the Chin Chins freely post their opinions on these websites and say negative things about the West and the US in particular. Do these Bozo Chins tried to post negative sentiments about china, or for that matter any opinions, on Chinese websites? these ungrateful leeches........


★WHICH IS IT?? One article eludes to China as having surpassed us and then the next says we're still numero uno.


★No respect for China. Chinese leaders lie and cheat too much. Chinese leaders should educate mainland Chinese. Chinese images are ugly.


★Respect is earned and China has not done anything to earn it!


★We need to respect them, but strengthen our own economy at the same time.



文章来源:龙腾网 | 责任编辑:瓶子

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关键词:中国 决心 金钱 力量

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string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(303) "越南中央级的党报党刊、军报军刊最近发表大量文章,阐述党的路线和大政方针,同时揭露、批判“国内外各种敌对势力和政治机会主义分子”在十二大前的各种破坏阴谋和伎俩,强调要防范和反对“和平演变”和“颜色革命”。" ["time"]=> int(1450949950) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297247) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "津巴布韦缘何“相中”人民币?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(140) "中国是津巴布韦的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易额超过10亿元,津巴布韦对人民币的需求日趋强烈。" ["time"]=> int(1450948518) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297246) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "台湾选举提前结束了吗?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(108) "本来选战就是中间选民的争夺战,这一次,国民党要找回自己的基本盘,怎么了?" ["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }


1风留痕丨美国恼羞成怒 证明被拿捏住了"七寸
4少女商场更衣室遭警察误杀 检方拒提指控!
8菲媒炒中国留学生"威胁" 居然惊动武装部队
10特朗普一旦被定罪 可能带来严重政治后果
12图拉设计人员造出 FPV 无人机智能制导系统
16不满美以霸道行径 俄罗斯代表愤然离席
20乌对扎波罗热核电站袭击 可能的核污染危害
2金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
5女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家
6风留痕丨美国恼羞成怒 证明被拿捏住了"七寸
11政府工作人员被边防警察枪杀 美国也沉默了
12不想看到变得非常反华 以至于无法正确思考
2江平舟|莫斯科恐袭 美国事先就知情?
6中国科技超越韩国 未来核心科技差距更大
12丁刚 | 如何看待"中国制造"考验西方眼界
13金灿荣|45年过去了 传统等级观念死灰复燃
16女子太醉不想开车 竟让8岁儿子代驾回家
17风留痕丨美国恼羞成怒 证明被拿捏住了"七寸