
美国想象中国入侵台湾的方式 美网友评论

2014-09-17 01:58 我要评论(0)

关键词:台湾 美国 中国


This ishow the U.S. thinks China could invade Taiwan


APentagon report from earlier this year lays out China's military options forinvading Taiwan. And while a huge amphibious assault is one possibility for"reunifying" Taiwan with mainland China, Beijing's burgeoning arsenalgives it plenty of other options.


Theinvasion analysis is part of the latest edition of the Pentagon's annual report on China's military capabilities and strategy. It doesn't justreflect an assessment of China's military options. 


Italso reflects how the U.S. — which could in theory go to war with China inorder to stop an invasion of Taiwan — views the advantages and disadvantages ofthose options.


Thereport presents four military options in escalating order of force.


Navalblockade. China could starve out Taiwan, which imports much of its food andfuel. Beijing could compel ships to stop in mainland ports for inspection. Or,the Chinese Communist Party could declare the waters around Taiwan to belive-fire training zones, discouraging ships from entering, just as it did in1995.


"Chinatoday probably could not enforce a full military blockade," the Pentagonconcludes. "However, its ability to do so will improve significantly overthe next five to 10 years."


Limitedforce. China could unleash cyber-warfare or raids by Special Operations Forces"against Taiwan's political, military, and economic infrastructure toinduce fear in Taiwan and degrade the populace's confidence in the Taiwanleadership."


Airand missile attacks. "China could use missile attacks and precisionstrikes against air defense systems, including air bases, radar sites,missiles, space assets, and communications facilities to degrade Taiwan'sdefenses, neutralize Taiwan's leadership, or break the Taiwan people's will tofight."


Amphibiousinvasion. There are actually a couple of options here. China is currentlycapable of grabbing, with little overt preparation, Taiwanese islands such asPratas, Itu Aba, Matsu, or Jinmen, according to the Pentagon's assessment.


Or theChinese could simply launch an all-out seaborne assault to seize a beachheadand eventually take over the whole of Taiwan proper. But internationalcondemnation, combat attrition, and urban warfare and counterinsurgency inTaiwanese cities could make the attempt risky.


Infact, all of these options carry political risks for China in terms ofinternational political and economic pressure. Some sound like they couldbackfire. 实际上,所有这些选择都给中国带来了国际政治和经济压力的风险。有些甚至可能适得其反。

Giventhat attempts during World War II and Vietnam to bomb enemy populations intosubmission not only failed, but often solidified popular support for the targetgovernment, a Chinese bombardment of Taiwan's cities could harden Taiwanesedetermination to resist reunification.


Butthere's another interesting aspect to this report. While the Pentagon says itsanalysis is based on publicly available Chinese documents, these four optionsseem to be essentially American. 


Blockade,missile strikes, and limited and full-scale invasions have been U.S. practicesince 1945 everywhere from Cuba and Iraq to Panama and Afghanistan.


Whichdoesn't mean China won't use them. But one wonders if Beijing may devise a morecreative solution to its Taiwanese "problem."



★Pastthe point of no return. It is no longer economically feasible for Beijing toinvade Taiwan. The impact on their exports would be greater than the net worthof the that entire island. Besides if they wanted to do it, they would havedone it when the U.S. was bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to mentionthat the two Chinas have been increasing their business relationships over thepast five years.


Andthat economic argument worked so well in keeping the peace between France &Germany, who have always been trading partners. Nicetry, better luck next time, and here's a copy of our home game.


ActuallyWe have not pasted the point of no return as of yet but We are getting veryclose to it.


Thereis no need for China to degrage confidence in the leadership here. It can't getmuch lower than it already is. It isa sad fact that the Chinese don't care about international law or the legal rightsof Taiwan and its peeople. Taiwanis NOT part of China. There was never a treaty to completely counteract thecession of Taiwan in 1895. Japan merely renounced sovereignty; it nevertransferred it back to China.

中国根本没必要削弱台湾民众对台湾领导人的信心,因为现在台湾民众已经对政府失望至极了。 令人悲伤的是中国并不尊重国际法,也不关心台湾及其人民的合法权利。 台湾不是中国的一部分,从来没有订立一个条约来抵消1895年的割让。日本仅仅是放弃了主权;但是从来没把台湾转交给中国。

 Taiwanand China are one country historically and always will be ... We will not killeach other in a "crazy" civil war now. It is 21st century. We all eatand live well now.

AS SAID: Never trust these war promoting propaganda articles talking about

surveys of people with different views/thoughts, they're there to force

an agenda that typically comes as a response to the false narratives.


Thisarticle makes it seem like Taiwan just sits there and doesn't fight back.Taiwan can handle China....they can beat the Chinese navy and air force. Chinesemilitary is way over rated, I can only remember china defeated Tibet. Taiwan isno Tibet. Chinese will get a broken nose, broken leg, broken neck and a brokenback...basically a paralyzed china.


 Everyoption China has for a invasion would result in thousands of missiles hittingmainland China destroying factories and shipyards and their naval assets. Thiswould be in the first 24 hours before the USA showed up. It would also give allof China's bordering countries a chance to invade her and would result in theloss of Hong Kong and Tibet. When you start a war and you are surrounded bymultiple countries you will most likely loose.


LolChina would collapse the dollar overnight, and Russia would nuke the whole USin under 10 min.


westernmedias love to divide Taiwan and mainland China, there will be no invasion,Central Chinese government do not invade its province. If rebels in Taiwanprovince go out of line, or any foreign invasion, PLA will be dispatched torestore social order in the island province.


Curious,have any of you ever BEEN to China...? I've lived here for about 10 years now,and I gotta say - it's much safer, more peaceful, and just all around BETTERthan America, in so many ways. That's not to say its perfect, because it's farfrom it - but I can certainly say that I've enjoyed more freedom here than Iever did in the states, and I don't have to worry about being shot by somerandom screwball with a gun (this includes police). The only thing...? Don'ttalk about the government. That's a big no-no here, and I'm okay with that;because as bad as the government maybe here, it pales in comparison toAmerica's. We have so much blood on our hands, and still insist on flingingshitty mud at other countries... Whenyou're a one-trick pony, I suppose you stick to what you know -- keep keepingit classy, America.


Peoplelike you were born to be slaves.


Thiswriter need to get a life. China will never fire a single bullet toward Taiwan,for what? killing it own people?



文章来源:龙腾网 | 责任编辑:沙枣花

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["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }
