

2014-07-21 15:15 我要评论(0)

关键词:乌克兰 俄罗斯 争端 飞机



Putincalls for a ceasefire as US sources say the missile that downed the MalaysiaAirlines jet came from within Ukraine.

The flight was carrying 298 passengers and crew


Moscow has hit back after the Kiev government claimedpro-Russian separatists shot down a passenger plane, killing all 298 people onboard, including 189 Dutch and nine Britons.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was heading fromAmsterdam to Kuala Lumpur at an altitude of 33,000ft (10,000m) when contact waslost on Thursday afternoon in eastern Ukraine, close to the border with Russia.

It came down near the village of Grabovo,Donetsk in an area where Ukrainian forces have been fighting the rebels.


An emergency worker at the scene of the crash 


An adviser to Kiev's interior ministry said theBoeing 777 was hit by a Buk ground-to-air missile and its president PetroPoroshenko called it an "act of terrorism".

But the Russian defence ministry reportedlypointed the finger at its neighbour, saying it picked up radar activity from aUkrainian Buk missile system south of Donetsk when the airliner came down.


Glenn Thomas was among the victims of thetragedy     

Glenn Thomas是空难受害者之一

Sky's Katie Stallard said: "That doesn'tcorrelate with the geography. This was a plane flying over territory that theUkrainian government would perceive as friendly. Territory that they control.

"It is a slightly counterintuitivesuggestion that they would perceive that aircraft as a threat when it isheading away from their friendly airspace and towards the Russian border."

天空传媒的Katie Stallard说道:“这根地理无关,这家本应是友好无辜的客机是在乌克兰政府管辖的领空上飞着。把在自己领空上飞往俄罗斯边界方向的客机看成是具有危险性的,主观上说不通。”

Flames rise from wreckage of the MalaysiaAirlines jet  


Separatist leader Alexander Borodai saidUkrainian government forces were responsible, and Russian President VladimirPutin said: "The state over whose territory this occurred bearsresponsibility."

However, a US official said Washington stronglysuspected it was brought down by a surface-to-air missile fired by rebels.

乌克兰分裂势力头目Alexander Borodai指出,乌克兰军方该为此负责。俄罗斯总统普金答道,“空难事发地的国家应该承担责任。”但是,一名美国高官称,华盛顿非常怀疑客机是由乌克兰叛军发射的一枚地对空导弹击落的。

And the Ukrainian security council claimed nomissiles had been fired from the armouries of its armed forces.

Mr Putin has called for a ceasefire between thewarring sides in the months-long conflict.

Among the British victims of the crash wereGlenn Thomas and Richard Mayne. Newcastle United fans John Alder and LiamSweeney, who were travelling to see their football team play in New Zealand,also died, according to reports.

乌克兰安全理事会则声称,乌军方并没有发射过导弹 普金呼吁鏖战多月的交战双方可以停火。空难受害者的英国名单中包括Glenn Thomas和Richard Mayne。据报道,准备前往新西兰观看纽卡斯尔联队足球比赛的两名球迷John Alder和Liam Sweeney也因为空难去世。

Flight MH17 taking off at Schiphol Airport inthe Netherlands 


British Prime Minister David Cameron called thecatastrophe "an absolutely appalling, shocking, horrific incident"and if the jet was shot down, those responsible "must be brought toaccount".

The cockpit and one of the turbines were foundover half a mile apart, and residents said the tail was six miles away,indicating the aircraft most likely broke up before hitting the ground.

Many of the bodies strewn across the fields werelargely intact - some of them were still strapped into their plane seats.People who live in the area have described seeing bodies falling through thesky.

英国首相卡梅伦称此次空难为“一起骇人听闻的恐怖事件”,同时指出,如果客机是被导弹击落的,那事件责任方就必须得到谴责。“ 驾驶舱和涡轮在离现场半英里的地方找到,当地居民说,机尾则是在六英里开外的地方,这就表示,客机很可能在坠机前就已经解体了。 许多散落在现场的尸体甚至几乎没有什么损伤,其中一些还坐在客机机椅上,身上系着安全带。附近村民描述说,在空中就看到一些人被抛离客机。

The last known location of flight MH17 


Pro-Russian separatists said they found one ofthe "black box" recorders and rescue workers have recovered a secondflight recorder.

There were 283 passengers and 15 crew on board.Among the victims were three infants.

Britain has joined the US and other countries incalling for an international probe into the disaster and AmericanVice-President Joe Biden said the jet appeared to have been deliberately"blown out of the sky".

亲俄派分裂分子说他们找到了一个黑匣子,营救专员已经恢复了第二个。 马航客机一共有283名乘客和15名机组人员,其中还有三名婴儿。英国已经加入了由美国和其他国家组织的国际搜查小组,美国副总统拜登说,客机看上去是故意被击落的。

Armed Russian separatists inspect the wreckage  


Stallard said Igor Strelkov, the commander ofthe pro-Russian Donetsk People's Republic, appeared to have boasted about theincident on social media.

In one deleted message recovered by Sky News, heallegedly wrote: "We warned you not to fly over our sky."

Katie Stallard说,亲俄派的顿茨涅克人民共和国领导人Igor Strelkov曾在社交网站上吹嘘过袭击事件。(Igor Strelkov曾在网络上声称,击落了一架乌克兰运输机,马航空难后秒删。译者注) 在由天空新闻恢复的一条被删除的信息中,他这样写道:“我们警告过你们不要在我们的领空飞行。”

The wreckage was scattered over a wide area 


Ukraine's security service also released what itclaimed was a recording of an intercepted phone call between two Russianmilitary intelligence officers, discussing the downing of the plane.

Malaysia Airlines, still reeling from the lossof flight MH370, has said the route taken by flight MH17 had been declared safeby civil aviation authorities.

乌克兰安全服务部门发布了据称是截获自两名俄罗斯军方高层官员谈论客机坠毁的电话录音。 还没从上次MH370失联事件中缓过神来的马来西亚航空公司宣称,名航局曾经确认过MH17飞行路线是安全的。

A distressed woman waits for information inKuala Lumpur 


However, it has offered all passengers booked onany route before July 26 a full refund if they do not want to travel.



AlexanderKent23 hours ago

I'll try to guess the words in the intercepted phone call as according tothe Ukraine authorities (do I believe them is a different matter).

Two Russian intelligence officers using a land line, that for some reasonpasses through Kiev's central operators' room (failure No 1, and that fromintelligence officers!).

Intelligence Officer 1 says: I did it!

Intelligence Officer 2 says: No you didn't, I did.

(failure 2 and 3, can you spot them? They both declared they were Russianintelligence officers, and both said they did it).

They then both shout into the phone: we did it!

(failure 4: they have just given the Administration in America all theyneed to say "Putin did it!).

Some people commenting on here need a reality check. You want a war with Russia? Just count me out! And don't use my tax-money to fund it either.





高官1:是我做的! 高官2:不,你没做,是我做的!




一些在这里评论的人,在现实中都需要被请去喝茶。 你想和俄罗斯开战吗?不要把我算在内! 并且,不要用我缴纳的税收去资助战争。  

ACARR23 hours ago

Typical comments from those fed on a diet of BBC and Sky News. How do youknow from your armchairs that Russia is the guilty part? Because William Hagueand the like told you so?

评论都很明显被BBC和天空新闻毒害了。你们坐在椅子上怎么就知道这是俄罗斯干的?因为像William Hague(英外交大臣,译者注)这样人告诉你们的?  

Jayne F321 day ago

Words fail me. I just pray for all those who were onboard and theirfamilies. All those innocent people, children.


Caratacus10AD1 day ago

'Likely' is a bit like saying 'possibly'.


John Paul1 day ago

I remember that another evil russian shot down a Korean civilian plane. Pilot was Major Gennadi Osipovich shot down KAL007, a civilian planeflying with lights on and open windows, and blinking lights.


Alex, ex-pat1 day ago

This is awful....all those people......allthose poor people. Any plane crash is dreadful, but this....

WHAT was it doing over an airspace that was potentially dangerous?

To save money in fuel costs, perhaps?

It is comforting to know that British Airways, amongst other airlines avoidthis area, as a matter of safety policy.

Shot down by a Russian separatists' missile

Were those responsible drunk? 

Putin, that cold-hearted tyrant, is just going to say "Nothing to do withme".

太糟了。。。这些乘客。。。太可怜了。。。。 每次空难都很可怕,但这次。。。。 这家飞机干嘛要在可能有危险的上空飞行?是为了节省燃料、成本?也许吧。 很庆幸,基于安全性原则,英国航空公司和其他航空公司避免在这片区域飞行。 居然被亲俄派的分裂分子用导弹打下来了 这些家伙是喝醉了吗? 普金这个冷血的暴君刚还说“这跟我无关”  

JRR561 day ago

I see these cowardly Russian backed rebels still feel the need to wearbalaclavas even in summer. They must be ashamed by their actions!


EKing1 day ago

As someone that lived through the constant threat of nuclear war withRussia as a child, I have spent most of my life wondering when the "othershoe is going to drop". Frankly, I am sick and tired of Russias abysmalapproach towards foreign policy. There is nothing "bear" - like aboutRussia or Putin; they are cowards that rely on obfuscation, deception andterrorism and I - for one - would really like to see them de-clawed once andfor all. It's enough that I have spent most of my life wondering when Russiawill "cross the line" (although it looks as if they have done thatthis time), I certainly don't want my children to suffer this fear as they growinto adulthood.


megame1 day ago

Ukrainian missile hit the jet? come on Russia don't think so. What wouldthey be aiming at with a surface to air missile, do your thugs have airlinersnow. Seems quite obvious your thugs and more than likely yourselves too didthis. It is about time the free world not only imposed sanctions against Russiabut completely isolated Russia.

乌克兰导弹击落了客机?摆脱,俄罗斯可不这么认为。他们干嘛要拿着地对空导弹去瞄准一家客机?客机是你们这些恶棍的吗? 看上去更像是你们这些流氓自己干的。 是时候不要再去制裁俄罗斯了,直接彻底解体俄罗斯算了

lewis9011 day ago

All evidence points to Russia and its separatists of who we already knowthere are members of the Russian Reconnaissance and Sabotage Unit within. Even as I type this Russia is not trying to help with the crash, Russia isnot being sorry. Far from it, Putin has actually sent messages to Russian Empireterritories offering military assistance because he's anticipating a majorconflict arising over this. As investigators rush to the site and families cry, Russian jets and tanksare being fueled and their ICBM launchers are being readied. Russias involvement in this conflict has spectacularly backfired and theyknow it and they are now readying themselves for all out war just as they didafter they shot down Korean Flight 007. Oh yes people, remember Korean Flight 007 for your proof of how Russiaresponds when it shoots down a commercial airliner. Their response to thisincident is almost word for word.

所有证据都指向俄罗斯和亲俄派分裂分子,我们早就知道俄罗斯侦查破坏小组部署在那了 甚至我笔下的俄罗斯根本就不打算去帮助清理现场,俄方一点都不难过 恰恰相反,普金实际上已经下达命令,全俄罗斯给予必要的军事帮助,因为他觉得这片区域可能会发生大规模冲突。 当调查人员冲向现场,空难家属痛苦欲死的时候,俄罗斯的飞机坦克正在加满油,洲际导弹都已经就位了。 俄方军方的介入让这里事与愿违,他们知道现在就要为战争总动员了,就像他们击落韩国客机007号一样 哦对了,我们还记得俄罗斯在击落韩国客机007号后的回应,这次空难的回应简直就是上次一个字一个字的复制  

philg1 day ago

That may well prove to be correct. Mr. Putin, your call now.


Nuxgael1 day ago

Why fly a plane over a country on the brink of a civil war?


Nuxgael1 day ago

As I said before it takes western civilian deaths to make the news. Not asingle word about the Eastern Ukrainian victims and an example is April 2014where 488 civilians died that month and not a word about ambulances beingtargeted also. It is awful but all life deserves equal respect?


johnwight1 day ago

We all know these rebels are directed by Putin and Putin is the warcriminal who should be treated as such as he now has these innocent peoplesblood on his hands.


Geordie121 day ago

Who would gain the most from this? I want to know who permitted civilian air traffic to fly over an unstablewar zone. Perhaps knowing that and those likely to gain from the incident, willhelp point the finger at who ordered the plane shot down.

谁会从中得利最多? 我想知道到底是谁批准了一家民航飞机在动荡的战争冲突的上空飞行?也许谁从中得利了,我们就知道是谁击落了飞机  

Richncl1 day ago

I have read comments by people stating that this is terrorism. This isn'tterrorism or even an act of war. This is murder, mass murder.


Official Trail1 day ago

What is the distinction between a plane that has been shot down, and aplane that was blown up on the ground?


PHG1 day ago

Russia bears full responsibility for this horrific tragedy. An absolutedisgrace!


Steffb1 day ago

Putin has already reflected and passed the buck, he couldn't give twopence for what has happened.


fishman681 day ago

Russia must pay dearly for this atrocity!


Mick of the Midlands1 day ago

The Russian people listening to the pathetic reasoning of their leaderthat this was the fault of Ukraine must be shaking their heads indisbelief.It's no better than Europe being held responsible by Germanythroughout the last war for not standing back and allowing a foreign agressorto over run us all and that Doodlebugs were our responsibilty as they landedand exploded on English soil.The world must have heard some sorry excuses formass murder of other country's citizens in the past by out of control ruthlessindividuals but this childish denial has got to be the most rediculous.Russia'sdestiny lies in dangerous hands.


miles781 day ago

For a airline company to continue to fly over a war zone when either sidehas the capability to bring down aircraft it stupid. They have to take aportion of the blame.


Chris - Medic1 day ago

So, it has been proven that this was Russia has it?. Must have missed thatsomewhere. 

I can not believe that this 'Crash Site' or 'Murder Scene' if you want to callit that is not cordoned off and the right people are investigating this.Citizens of many countries have been lost! Personal possessions of those onboard would have no doubt been stolen and still, bodies and body parts arelaying around the site. UK/US citizens who have families watching this as wellas other nationalities. I am gob smacked at how this whole affair has beendealt with by the worlds powers, but hey, lets blame the Russians and treatthis as an act of war shall we!

Disgusted and embarrassed to call my self human right now. Children, crew andfellow countrymen lay on that site while the topic of conversation seems to benothing to do with recovery and investigation but more about the blame game andwarmongering.

I hold my head in shame at what I am seeing and what I am reading...The worldshould be ashamed...

所以已经证明是俄罗斯干的,是不是?肯定漏了些什么吧。 我简直无法相信,你们所谓的“空难现场”或者“惨案现场”都没有警戒线围住,是不是有专业的搜查人员正在进行勘查?许多国家的人死去了!飞机上的私人物品毫无疑问会被抢劫一空,尸体残骸也散落各地。美国、英国,以及其他国家公民的家人也在看新闻的,我静观世界各强如何处理这件事件。但现在,让我们先谴责俄罗斯,它这是在发动战争。 我现在很讨厌也挺尴尬称呼自己是人类的。孩子、机组人员和死去同胞的尸体还躺在空难现场,但讨论的重点却是到处指责和宣扬战争,而不是搜查工作。 我为我看到的感到羞耻。。。全世界都该感到耻辱

Julii031 day ago

Most of this has nothing to do with Russia. The people of East Ukraine(and Crimea) do not wish to join the EU. I spoke to an online friend from EastOOkraine, who says they fear the EU and it's open immigration policies, thateveryone she knows who has traveled there the first thing they say is how manyimmigrants there are in the West now. They won the 2010 election by majority, electing a pro-Russian leader, whowas removed by force for doing exactly the thing they elected him to do. Tothem, Putin is a hero who is standing up for their democracy. The West do notcare about their vote, they think only a pro-Western leader should be allowedas president.

大部分都跟俄罗斯无关。东乌克兰(以及克里米亚)地区的人民都不想加入欧盟。我跟一个东乌克兰人在网上交谈过,她说他们害怕欧盟和开放性的移民政策,并指出她认识的每个去欧盟旅游的人谈到的第一件事,就是那里有多少移民。 他们在2010年由绝大多数人选举出了一个亲俄派的领导人,却因为做着选民希望做的事而被武力弹劾了。对他们而言,普金是一个捍卫他们民主的英雄。西方人根本不在乎他们的选举,他们觉得只有亲西方的领导才能被选为总统。  

Sigma81 day ago

Throughout the history of Russia, they have never sought for a peacefulsolution, or settled with neighbouring countries for the prospect ofpeace. 

This country has survived throughout time on one word, and one word alone,


纵观俄罗斯的历史,他们从来不会用和平的方式解决邻国问题 这个国家只会用一个字在世界上生存,那就是战争。  

BMane1 day ago

@Sigma8 So, just like Britain and the US then...


Antonina1 day ago

@Sigma8 do youactually know the history of Russia?


EKing1 day ago

@Sigma8 With all someone that sometimes cried himself to sleep at the thought ofnuclear war as a small child...I think the word you were looking for was"fear". Russia has traded on fear for far too long and I think Ispeak for a fair number of my generation when I say I want Russia to bede-clawed.


kevin75941021 day ago

There is no need for war with Russia if their involvement is determined.We need to complete isolate them from the civilized world. Nothing goes in,nothing comes out. If they are involved they need to be starved until they ridthemselves of Putin.


John Paul1 day ago

@kevin7594102 Putin is KGB. They will never be able to get rid of him by themselves.

普金是克格勃的 他们不可能单单凭自己弹劾他的  

bob451 day ago

Agree since this madman has taken the reins it seems to be one nightmareafter another, it's time to isolate this madman.


EKing1 day ago

@kevin7594102 Agreed.No flights out of Russia, no access to international airspace....the oligarchswill soon get rid of Putin and start toeing the line.



This was a despicable act of terrorism  carried out by people who donot deserve a place on this planet. Putin wants the Ukraine back and he isclearly funding the and supply the so called Separatists. They have theupgraded BUK radar guided Sam systems and this was clearly what was used todown MH17. Former KGB Colonel Putin longs for the Cold War era to come back.Ronald Regan rightly termed the USSR the Evil Empire ! Putin is clearly tryingto start WW3 and he is not to be trusted at all. Do not believe a word what this tyrant says !


Boo211 day ago

Putin's attitude to this event is appalling.


suzycreamcheese1 day ago

May be the other 'missing' Malaysian Airline was blown to smithereens inmid air.........anyone agree?


Chris - Medic1 day ago


Agreed,either that or that 'missing' plane is packed with Nukes ready to hit anywherejust incase this event doesn't get the desired results!


John Paul1 day ago

@suzycreamcheese Over which War zone? There is no war zone over where the plane disappeared...

在哪个战区上空? 飞机消失的地方根本没有战区。。。  

wantajob1 day ago

Now an American citizen was on board, America is going to become veryangry expect more sanctions!!


Born In the USA1 day ago


America ismaking no distinction between citizens, why are you?  I don't know yournationality but there has been no other nation in history who has provided moreaid to any country than America.  Where there is a civil catastrophe, theUS has always been there (e.g Philippine disaster, Balkan Relief, Mozambiquefloods).  Sorry....where were the Russians?  The Chinese?  Whoelse provides the level of aid the US does...not even the Brits.


Seanler1 day ago

@Born In the USA @wantajob

President Obama said just after the crash that "America's First andForemost priority is to find out what American Citizens were onboard". But anyways it is up to every country to condemn and act on thisterrorism, not just America. Or this insane behaviour will carry on.


John Paul1 day ago

@Born In the USA @wantajob

You are misreading the post


megame1 day ago

@Born In the USA @wantajob

Just in case you do not know England is a lot smaller than your USA and sois our economy, it is clear we give more than you when you take intoaccount our country's size and economy size


wantajob1 day ago

This is truly a disgusting act of cowardice, there must be somedistinction between a passenger aircraft and a military aircraft? Shame on you Putin you have a lot of blood on your hands.!


  Geordie121 day ago


 Idon't think the so-called separatists have kit capable of doing the job. I'm not so sure Russian forces did this either. They are professionalswith the most sophisticated ant-aircraft missile systems in the world.They don't shoot down airliners flying at 33,000 feet by accident.What would Russia hope to gain by intentionally shooting one down? As a former UK soldier during the cold war, I'm no fan of Russia.But I just cant understand why they are being immediately blamed,when the Ukrainians are the people who would benefit most.  They alsocontrol the airspace and permit civilian airlines to fly over the troubledarea, where one of their own military jets was shot down days ago. Anyone care to explain why the finger is being pointed at Russiafirst? Surely it cant be reverse maskirovka. Not even Putin is thatcrazy.   Am I the only one to suspect something is very wrong here.

我不认为所谓的分裂分子有能力击落客机,我也不确定是不是俄罗斯军队干的。他们是世界上使用最先进防空导弹的专家,他们不会不小心击落飞在33,000英尺高空的客机。击落这家客机,俄罗斯到底可以得到什么呢? 作为一名前冷战时期的军人,我不是俄罗斯的拥簇。但我只是不理解当乌克兰可以得利的时候,为什么俄罗斯会立刻被钉在十字架上遭人谴责。他们控制着那片领空,并允许民用客机在这片几天前刚有架军用飞机被击落的区域上空飞行。 有人出来解释为什么矛头都指向俄罗斯了吗?很明显,客机不可能是军队伪装的,连普金都不会那么傻。难道我是唯一一个觉得整件事有猫腻的吗?  

eoin madden1 day ago

Nato act now - its obvious the Russian separatists did this, so gointo Ukraine and wipe these animals out. Russia wont get involved if they knowwhat's good for them.

北约行动吧 – 显然是亲俄派的分裂分子干的,所以派军队去乌克兰消灭这些牲畜吧。如果俄罗斯识相的话,是不会介入的  

RealTrueBrit1 day ago

Ban ALL Flights in an out of Russia now.


RobertGinn1 day ago

When 298 innocent people are killed in whatis an act of terrorism then someone is to blame for it & that person needsto be found & hanged for this crime as even small children were killed.Those people aboard the plane were going about their lives & not doing anyharm to anyone. If Igor Strelkov is boasting his involvement in thedowning of the plane then he needs to be caught, put on trial & executed asthat's evil. Putin calls for a ceasefire! It takes 298 innocent people to die ahorrible death for him to call for a ceasefire. I hope that the personresponsible for this plane being downed ends up hanging from a rope as whathappened to that plane is evil

在这次恐怖袭击中,有298个无辜的人死去,其中甚至有孩子,一定要找到这个凶手,绞杀他。这些人只是因为生活才去坐飞机的,没有带任何敌意。如果Igor Strelkov炫耀自己有份参与了此次行动,那么他这个恶魔就该被抓起来接受审判,并处以死刑。普金呼吁双方停火!直到298个无辜的平民死去之时,他才想到要呼吁停火。我希望这个恶魔般的凶手可以像这架飞机一样被一根绳悬挂在空中。

  Stuntman Mike1 day ago

Putin is just playing statesman.He has no intention of a ceasefire andwill squirm his way around this disgrace like all the previous dictators ofRussia.By comparison,Putin looks like a naughty brigand compared to JoeStalin.Russia has no conscience,their politicos do not allow for such perceivedweakness.They treat their own population with contempt,do not think they haveany sympathy for those who have been murdered.



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array(16) { [0]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297333) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "朱维群:达赖与暴力恐怖主义的关系能撇清吗" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(259) "12月初,十四世达赖接受意大利媒体采访,称“仍有必要与IS对话,需要倾听、理解,给予所有的尊重”、“对要砍头的人如何倾听呢?只有用心来倾听敌人”。这番言论招致国际舆论的一致谴责。" ["time"]=> int(1451012400) } [1]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297348) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(67) "什么仇什么怨 西方为何对“妖魔化中国”情有独钟" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(349) "由于很多圣诞礼物都写着made in china(中国制造),以至于70%西方小朋友认为圣诞老人是中国人。或许在西方孩子的眼中中国人的形象就是那个戴着红帽子,穿着红色的棉衣,脚穿红色靴子,有着白胡子的慈祥老爷爷,但是在西方大人的眼里中国人却是另一番样子。" ["time"]=> int(1451029018) } [2]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297347) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(57) "请善待我们救援者,哪怕我们只找到一只鸡" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(260) "微博认证为蓝天救援队的外联部长@蓝天碎叫12月23日晚上发表了长博文《请善待我们救援者,哪怕我们只找到一只鸡》,文中那句“我在十米深的泥坑里凿着墙,你在敲着键盘骂我娘”让网友感叹。" ["time"]=> int(1451027559) } [3]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297341) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(45) "安轩平:打好意识形态斗争主动仗" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(714) "中国纪检监察报点名批评某高校教授冯某以“真相”、“揭秘”为噱头,大肆宣扬历史教科书中的党史很多都不是“真实的历史”,捏造事实,歪曲党史军史,以混淆视听。这充分说明,当前意识形态领域的斗争复杂而尖锐,一些错误思潮暗流涌动,此起彼伏,竞相发声,大肆攻击中国特色社会主义、中国共产党的领导、社会主义核心价值观等,我们必须旗帜鲜明地把意识形态斗争作为事关党和国家生死存亡的大事来看,作为信仰之争、主义之争、制度之争的政治战来打,以共产党人的高度智慧和坚定意志,打好打赢意识形态主动仗。" ["time"]=> int(1451020875) } [4]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297325) ["icon"]=> string(5) "blank" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(66) "环球时报:香港极端反对派亟需搞清自己“是谁”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(273) "香港极端反对派给全国社会做了很低劣的“民主”示范,“港式民主”意味着政治对抗、社会动荡、人群撕裂以及经济发展被搅乱等等,包括一些稀奇古怪的现象会伴随出笼,这就是它给内地很多人的印象。" ["time"]=> int(1451010301) } [5]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297321) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(66) "李云飞阿訇:伊斯兰文明从制度上败给了西方文明" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(192) "阿拉伯字母仍是仅次于拉丁字母的世界上使用最广泛的文字系统,伊斯兰文明也是当今人类社会唯一有可能把西方文明取而代之的世界文化体系。" ["time"]=> int(1451009766) } [6]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297292) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(81) "罗思义:中国在毛泽东治下取得了世界史上最伟大的社会成就" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(210) "我们此前已经比较分析了中国1978年改革开放前后的经济增长情况。尽管如此,如果不了解1949年至1978年改革之前所取得巨大的社会成就,我们仍可能会被误导。" ["time"]=> int(1451003943) } [7]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297318) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "香港特首进京也“跑部”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(179) "按照惯例,香港和澳门的特首每年在12月底时都会来北京向国家领导人汇报全年工作,也就是所谓的“述职”,再通俗点就是年终总结。" ["time"]=> int(1451008771) } [8]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297303) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "虎牙妹:《万万没想到》有点渣" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(228) "由于《万万》在网络剧时期累积了不小的人气,电影在点映时取得了相当大的成功,正当人们以为它能取得票房佳绩的时候,《万万》的风评却急转直下,在豆瓣上评分6.1。" ["time"]=> int(1451005740) } [9]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297295) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(72) "马平:作为前工程师,我认为深圳滑坡事故是这么回事" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(183) "一般来说,规划和建设部门会分别对建设区附近的地质条件进行勘探,分析地质灾害的可能性。对于可能出现滑坡的地段,应该进行治理。" ["time"]=> int(1451004167) } [10]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297290) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(45) "寒竹:中国历史中的社会主义根基" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(213) "在经济领域进一步深化市场化导向的改革,是当下中国发展的一个重要方向。市场能够最大限度地实现资源的有效配置,从而给经济发展提供强大而持续的动力。" ["time"]=> int(1451003764) } [11]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297248) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(69) "自导自演的和平演变:越南反共总理政治炒作的背后" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(303) "越南中央级的党报党刊、军报军刊最近发表大量文章,阐述党的路线和大政方针,同时揭露、批判“国内外各种敌对势力和政治机会主义分子”在十二大前的各种破坏阴谋和伎俩,强调要防范和反对“和平演变”和“颜色革命”。" ["time"]=> int(1450949950) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297247) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "津巴布韦缘何“相中”人民币?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(140) "中国是津巴布韦的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易额超过10亿元,津巴布韦对人民币的需求日趋强烈。" ["time"]=> int(1450948518) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297246) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "台湾选举提前结束了吗?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(108) "本来选战就是中间选民的争夺战,这一次,国民党要找回自己的基本盘,怎么了?" ["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }


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