

2014-06-26 15:26 我要评论(4)

关键词:中国 信念 决心 能力

Deterring China = Capability xResolve x Belief


(译者的话:根据昨天翻译素材的投票结果,这篇素材是网友们投票第二多的,所以今天本人就继续把这篇给翻译了出来,以飨网友,感谢网友们的积极投票,详见: )

This week is graduation week in Newport, and thatmeans it’s Current Strategy Forum week in Newport. Household names have converged on the NavalWar College. Yesterday, for instance, Robert Kaplan gave atourd’horizon of Eurasian security before turning to the South China Sea, thesubject of his latest book Asia’s Cauldron. The Naval Diplomat will have more to say about that tomorrow orFriday. Cyber whiz Peter Singer (Wired for War) addressed the gathering Wednesday morning, to equal acclaim.


Dominating stories coming out of the forum, though,was an exchange between Admiral Jonathan Greenert, the chief of navaloperations—a.k.a. America’s top uniformed naval officer—and a student from ourIntermediate Level Course. As USNI News‘s Sam LaGrone reports, the student asked how American naval professionals should discuss“tactics, techniques and procedures [on] how to counter Chinese ships andaircraft.” Should we do so in public? Admiral Greenert: “If you talk about itopenly, you cross the line and unnecessarily antagonize.” Why be circumspect?Because “how much we trade with that country, it’s astounding.” Better todebate such matters in classified settings, deny that forcible-accessstrategies are aimed at China, and so forth.

此次论坛中最受人关注的莫过于美国海军作战部长Jonathan Greenert——即美国最高级的海军军官——同一名学生的对话了。《美国海军学院新闻》的记者Sam LaGrone报道说,这名学生询问道:美国海军专业人士在对抗中国的舰船和军机时如何在战术、方法和程序上进行讨论,在这么做时应该公开出来吗?Jonathan Greenert回答道:“如果对这些问题进行公开的讨论的话,那就太过分了,而且会引起不必要的反抗。”为何要如此谨慎?因为“你知道我们与中国的贸易量有多大吗?非常惊人。”所以最好在私下里讨论应对的对策,并且否认强制的进入战略是为了对付中国,诸如此类。

Really? What we’re debating is the merits ofspeaking openly about challenges and, yes, threats — a threat being aprospective antagonist that combines capability with the resolve to use it inways inimical to our, or our friends’, interests. And in a larger sense we’redebating how best to deter such an antagonist. This is Diplomacy 101.


For my money Henry Kissinger supplies the bestdefinition of deterrence, depicting it as a product of our capability, ourresolve, and — here’s Kissinger’s special ingredient – theopponent’s belief in our capability and our resolve to use it. That lastelement is the hub of the problem. If the opponent believes we can balk hisstrategy and will do so under certain circumstances, he’ll be deterred. ButKissinger goes to great lengths to stress that deterrence comes not from addingbut from multiplying capability, resolve, and belief. That is, if any onefactor is zero — if our capabilities are too few or ill-suited to thesituation, if we waffle or appear to do so, or if the opponent pooh-poohs ormisjudges our capabilities or determination — then deterrence is apt to fail.


So the U.S. military’s mission in the WesternPacific, China seas, and greater Indian Ocean is to keep each element ofAmerican maritime might strong. Conveying power and purpose to China is thecrucial thing. How do we accomplish that? Let me strike a Solomonic pose onthis question, and seek the golden mean. Candor with potential adversaries iscritical, but it’s just as critical to avoid bluster. My hero Teddy Rooseveltsums it up with a pithy frontier maxim: don’t bluster, don’t flourish yourrevolver, and never draw unless you intend to shoot.In Kissinger’s terms,that’s a statement about communicating one’s intentions frankly but withoutneedlessly giving offense, about clearly outlining the conditions that warrantreaching for the gun, and about actually following through should the opponentdefy our terms. Capability, resolve, belief.


My go-to example of TR’s handling of deterrencecomes from 1902, when the president dispatched Admiral Dewey and most of theU.S. Navy to the Caribbean Sea. Dewey’s assignment: to deter a combinedEuropean fleet from seizing territory from Venezuela during a quarrel over debtrepayment. Roosevelt made it clear to European leaders that he was prepared touse force if they attempted a land grab contrary to the Monroe Doctrine. But hecommunicated his intentions in private, so as not to affront the prestige ofKaiser Wilhelm II and other statesmen. That reduced the chances of a showdownover a matter of honor. Here’s how effective TR was at keeping his deterrentefforts under wraps: historians squabbled about whether the U.S. navaldeployment ever happened for a century afterward.


Therein lies wisdom. Both Admiral Greenert and ourdoughty NWC student have it partly right. Let’s abjure giving offense, andputting Beijing in high dudgeon in the process. Chest-thumping is neithernecessary nor justified. American political and military representatives canconfer candidly with their Chinese counterparts behind the scenes. Indeed, onehopes such exchanges are already happening. But at the same time, striking adiffident attitude in public bespeaks irresolution. Defending allies, andfreedom of the seas and skies, is a permanent, nonnegotiable U.S. interest.That should be a constant refrain if Washington wants to instill belief inprospective opponents — or in allies and friends. So let’s be matter-of-factabout U.S. naval and air capability and the purposes that impel U.S. power.


Our Chinese friends are adults. Let’s not insultthem by pretending that U.S. strategy-making is geared to some mythicalopponent.



Bankotsu • 6 days ago "So the U.S. military’s mission in the WesternPacific, China seas, and greater Indian Ocean is to keep each element ofAmerican maritime might strong." Seems to me that India and China are natural alliesagainst U.S. naval power. Hope that Modi can see where indian interests lies. "Our Chinese friends are adults. Let’s notinsult them by pretending that U.S. strategy-making is geared to some mythicalopponent." We don't feel insulted, we just take it as typicalU.S. BS., like "Iraq had weapons of mass destruction".

“所以在西太平洋、中国海以及印度洋上,美国军队的任务就是让美国海军力量在各个方面都保持强大的状态。” 在我看来,印度和中国才是对抗美国海军的天然盟友。希望莫迪能够意识到印度的国家利益是什么。 “我们的中国朋友也都是成年人。所以美国最好不要假装自己的战略决策是为了针对某个虚构的对手,否则这就是对我们中国朋友的侮辱了。” 我们没有觉得被侮辱了,我们认为这是美国典型的胡说八道,比如“伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器”。

Snapnut Bankotsu • 6 days ago I have always advocated an amiable and friendlyrelationship between China and India and geography has provided ampleopportunities to both these countries to co-operate and exist peacefully. Morepeople to people interaction is required for this to happen.


ben lu Snapnut • 6 days ago I have high hope for this. Even though India andChina has border dispute, the relatively peaceful relationship over a fewthousand years between the giant neighbours is remarkable if not exceptionallyoutstanding, considering the number of wars Europeans had had amongstthemselves over the last 50 years, including two WW that caused tens ofmillions of deaths The US had many more wars of aggression with many countriesfar away from its borders over the last since WW2.


RealityHurtsBadly ben lu • 5 days ago Exactly. Don't forget how US treated India not solong ago. It will be a matter of time before China "officially"declares herself surpassing US and India will be the no 2 and leaving US as theno 3. There is no way US is going to be happy with India surpasses it and thereis no way that US will be humble enough towards India.


ashleyhk ben lu • 5 days ago There was no border between India and China untilChina occupied Tibet.


ben lu ashleyhk • 5 days ago What is the story of India occupying South Tibet?


RealityHurtsBadly ashleyhk • 5 days ago LoL. Tibet has been a part of China since the Qingdynasty era. You do not even bother to read about real historical fact huh ?


Sashimi Boy RealityHurtsBadly • 4 days ago Because they were taken by force. Hold a referendumand see what the Tibetans really want.


ben lu • 6 days ago "Deterring China = Capability x Resolve xBelief" More true is this one "Deterring US subversionof China's security= Capability x Resolve x Belief"

“遏制中国=能力x决心x信念” 更加正确的是以下这个公式:遏制美国对中国国家安全的破坏=能力x决心x信念


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关键词:中国 信念 决心 能力

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string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(303) "越南中央级的党报党刊、军报军刊最近发表大量文章,阐述党的路线和大政方针,同时揭露、批判“国内外各种敌对势力和政治机会主义分子”在十二大前的各种破坏阴谋和伎俩,强调要防范和反对“和平演变”和“颜色革命”。" ["time"]=> int(1450949950) } [12]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297247) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(42) "津巴布韦缘何“相中”人民币?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(140) "中国是津巴布韦的第二大贸易合作伙伴,每年双边贸易额超过10亿元,津巴布韦对人民币的需求日趋强烈。" ["time"]=> int(1450948518) } [13]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297246) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(33) "台湾选举提前结束了吗?" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(108) "本来选战就是中间选民的争夺战,这一次,国民党要找回自己的基本盘,怎么了?" ["time"]=> int(1450946760) } [14]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297058) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(90) "清华博士:台湾是“杀出来的奴才,打出来的顺民,惯出来的孽种”" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(297) "一直以来,中国政府奉行对台让利政策,对台湾的开放程度远远超过台湾对大陆的开放程度,就已在太阳花运动中被否定的“贸服协定”为例,对大陆的要求几乎全部是高于WTO中的规定,而对台湾却几乎全部是低于WTO的规定。" ["time"]=> int(1450833467) } [15]=> array(11) { ["contentid"]=> int(1297067) ["icon"]=> string(0) "" ["iconsrc"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(60) "金庸:揭中国人不擅长打仗为何却能赢的真相" ["color"]=> string(0) "" ["url"]=> string(46) "" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["suburl"]=> string(0) "" ["thumb"]=> string(47) "" ["description"]=> string(243) "现在许多西方学者都认为,地球就这样大了,无止境地追求、扩充,是不可能的,也是不可取的。今後只能接受中国的哲学,要平衡、要和谐,民族与民族之间要相互协作,避免战争。" ["time"]=> int(1450834575) } }


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